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The Boat

I did not ever do a lot of boating since I was a kid, when I did do a fair amount of row and outboard motor boating. In San Francisco I built a boat. I don't know why but I did. Perhaps it was McDonald's Book Store in the Tenderloin at 48 Turk Street between Taylor and Mason Streets near Market, I found boat plans in a magazine. It was an interesting store and I would go in there every once and awhile when I went down-town that way. In the back was a bit of a cellar with piles of books, and in the back of the second floor was another strange room with jumbled piles of books and magazines. I would discover strange tracts and porno hidden in the piles and there were weird characters who frequented McDonalds.

At any rate I found in maybe a Popular Mechanics or some such ilk, plans for a boat and how to build it. It may have been called an Adirondack but I don't remember. Something from the east coast there. What year was it ? May have been late seventies. I built it in the summer time, on the patio at Winfield and it was the only autumn within memory that we got no sun.

In the spring I had a job remodelling with Edwardo in a hotel just above Union Square down-town, and then past one up at a different hotel which became a favorite of the likes of Bob Dillon and Garrison Keillor when they were in town. So I past up a lot of money to build this boat although I did do some plastering and painting in the night club of the second hotel.

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