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The mind, as a non-physical independent entity can assume by abstraction, the identities and circumstance of anyone, by understanding what the choices and consequences are of other individuals, as well as animal life, in any or all given circumstance, given that similar sensory and physical necessities are common to all. The individual transcends the Singular Self of the Mundane Consciousness to a Consciousness that encompasses the concerns and realities of other persons, animals and things, and perhaps to the all. This state of consciousness is called symbolic because any other person or animal can become a symbol, for the individual's own experience, identification, comparison and commonality.


The individual's evaluation of worth and consequence is exponentially expanded, to include as much as the degree of worth of all living things. However because this is a state of mind and non-physical, it is abstract, possessing no real consequence as does First State Consciousness.


The Third State of the Consciousness of Consequence is Spiritual Consequence. Where the second state of consciousness is an abstract state of mind, and where the individual is limited to the capacities of a single mind and body, with or without any real physical capacities of power, such as armies or kingdoms, in order for the manifestly expanded Will of the Second State to assume manifestly expanded range of consequential imperatives, it would need the employ of spiritual means or magic. In this case the individual could conceivable manifest consequence, which would correspond to the expanded Second State of Consciousness. Thus for example if one were to intend or will a change of government somewhere, and such a thing occurred, one would seemingly exercise Consequence and its accordant ramifications.

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