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They gave me a window-sill for a desk at headquarters up on the mountain at Eleusis, also called Elevis and we called it Elefsina, Greece, just under the peak-line mountain ridge top. It was Russian missile-proof from the north, as they did not have steerable rockets in those days now called guided or cruise missiles.

I was a sudden-acquisition, since as a morning-report clerk at Headquarters Army D.C., and I knew from people in the pentagon even before I heard of this my destiny, that the worst morning reports world-wide for correctness, were from Vietnam and Greece. HQs Greece thought I was a hot-shot, when the assignment clerk in Germany called and asked did they want me ? My job here was to call company clerks in the hinterlands of Greece, on a field-phone, going through sometimes six Greek operators, none of whom spoke English that-well, static so-bad would have to yell, and I was not a screamer of instructions, actually still then quite-shy. The morning report by design was not suppose to have a single error, as it was a record and history of every person's time in the army.

My new job at headquarters on the mountain, with a view down into the valley and the Agean Sea way off in the distance, was amazing theater and I forgot about this cast of characters. At the head of the rectangular office the size of two large rooms, with the door on his right as he faced the rest of us was Mr Willer, one-of if-not the first warrant officer in the army and this possibly his last assignment.

At his big wooden desk, his back to the wall facing the door and Mr Willer with a sky blue window behind, was Sergeant Inbetween the administrative E7 in charge of the clerks - five strong including myself.

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