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The Authority for human activity, behavior and conduct is based upon the assessment of the purpose, motive, value and consequence of human existence, reality in general and the universe. Finite Determination is the designation of affects or the creation of results and products as changed states, which explains the reason, purpose, value and consequence of any state or entity.

A state or entity is explained, as the reason, purpose and motive for its existence, by the affects or results and products it produces. The vacant field with the large stone in the middle have no affect, no reason and purpose for being there, and thus has no meaning, value or consequence. If results and products are to be produced such as vegetables, the field has reason, purpose, value and consequence. If the stone produces an affect such as a charm and is said to bring good gardening, its affect and meaning is the good luck of gardening.

Finite Determination is the designation of affects or the creation of results and products as changed states, which explains the reason, purpose, value and consequence of any state or entity, and which justifies the transformation or destruction of pre-existent states, and the activity and behavior necessary to produce, alternative qualities & conditions to the tandem states changed. The result and product of food from the garden, gives to the formerly vacant field meaning, explains and justifies the activity and behavior of creating changed conditions, as alternatives which is the cultivated field.

If states and entities such as the vacant field and stone in the middle, do not produce any valid affect or result and product, the garden which gives it purpose and meaning and the activity to produce it is justified.

