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This class ranking of everything physical, animal and human causes a great deal of friction and warfare, since any society not possessing deemed progressive superior attributes may be invaded and oppressed, as well as societies possessing different superiority systems. This is exampled by the continuous phenomenon such as the Nazis, religious warfare, resource wars, colonization, capitalism vs. socialism and communism or democratization.


This paradigm describes the usually subconscious associations that derive from the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative as social relations. Individuals are assessed value based on the superior/inferior dichotomy. The top and bottom or ruling and Untouchable Classes represent the carrot and stick as the superior and inferior models as examples for the society as a whole. The ruling class such as the English monarchy represents the greatest worth and class and the superior attributes to which those in general are to aspire. One evaluates one's worth by subtracting by degree from ruling class attributes. At the other end is the Untouchable Class. This is the lowest economic status and acts unconsciously as the negative and inferior base from which to add human worth. The Untouchable Class is exploitable and are used and made to do the worst of societal chores. Because the individual must rely on outside dependencies for work, money and substantiation, it is a dependent personality on essentially higher authority producing somewhat regimented hierarchal class ranking and stratifications. This in turn leads to mental instabilities of low self-esteem, crime, drug addictions, exploitation and a host of misery and suffering for those on the lower social, economic and political rungs. Unless this class is heavily suppressed it is a breeding ground for crime.

