


An other-dimensional grid, as perceived by some, of spheres or globes of luminosity connected by tubes protruding from each globe, in six directions, such that every globe is connected to every other, the number of globes stretching in all directions to infinite expanse. The theory of this supposed Grid would advance the idea that each globe would house an individual Psychesoma and contain the Metaphysical Memory for the totality of the Incarnations of the Psychesoma and its many Embodiments. Since each Globe is connected to all others, the Psychesoma would be theorized to possess the capacity of connection with all memory of all Psychesoma. The near-death or tunnel-like out of body experience might be offered as circumstantial evidence as akin to the interconnecting tubes between the globes.

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The Hindu Trinity, as the three major Gods, are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. So it is said here that Vishnu would be the first in order, likened to the natural world, which is preserved: by Brahma as the continuous creation of new life, which is balanced by Shiva, the destroyer of the old and overpopulated.

