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Pseudo Cerebral

Pseudo Cerebral means a level of intelligence which is subsided because rather than achieved by the personal experience of the individual, knowledge and edification is accepted from authority verbatim, without question called External Authority, which may also be called ideology and such an individual an ideologue. Information and knowledge as ideas and ideals, acquired abstractly from the word of others, thru books, film, television, the internet or theater, and not the result of the direct experience of the individual relies on the Authority of others.

Much of human thinking and action proceeds as based on Authority, as distinct from demonstration as actual fact in reality such as religious texts like the Bible. If the Bible says it so, it must be true. Religion is based on the authority of faith, and the Secular world on the authority of science and the scientific method as empirical testing for occurrence consistency. Religion makes no pretense to logical scientific method. Science by definition is suppose to be based on scientifically provable fact, but often in these modern times, it is often debased on Authority, primarily in the form of monetary remuneration as opposed to scientific method. Who has ever seen a black hole ? because it emits no light or energy, therefore take our word for it.

Credibility Authority

Credibility Authority means individual or institutional credibility beyond questioning. God is an authority beyond question for believers. Credibility Authority has such credentialed credibility, that no evidence, substantiation, corroboration or demonstration is necessary. One simply accepts the credibility of the authority or authorities.

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