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If any given state or entity were known for certain to possess a specific reason, purpose, motive and meaning such as: all fruit were known to have been created as the private property of God, then human conduct concerning fruit would have to concern itself with God's private property and would inhibit free will. If the future were known such that punishment was certain for any trespass upon the property of God, then conduct would be further restricted. By the absence of any known certain reason and purpose for the creation of fruit, humankind has the ability to regard fruit in any manner it wishes which is the ability of free will.

If the future were known such that punishment was certain for any trespass upon the property of God, then conduct would be further restricted. By the absence of any known certain reason and purpose for the creation of fruit, humankind has the ability to regard fruit in any manner it wishes which is the ability of free will.

All volition is based upon the Absent and Imperative Determinants. The Absent Determinant represents conditions when there is no known and certain beneficial or destructive and harmful results and products in future, which would prohibit activity and behavior in present, and thus allows for the ability of volition to proceed. The Imperative Determinant represents known and certain states or conditions in future which would mandate activity and behavior in present, either as something positive l like the purchase of a guaranteed winning lottery ticket, or something destructive like an approaching tornado. These two distinctions and capacities represent the ability of free will and volition. An Imperative Determinant is a foreseeable and fairly certain result and product in future which mandates behavior in the present, and gives to it reason, purpose, motive and meaning.

