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But back to the Haight before I moved, now and then maybe once a week, instead of going to the Park I would walk down-town. It was a long way but I did a lot of walking in those days. San Francisco is such a treat to walk in, with near every house a picture portrait. One time I stopped in a Pawn Shop down near Civic Center, and asked for a job. The owner I guess, looked me up and down in his office, took me over to a bunch of old wood plane tools. He told me to categorize them and went back to his office. I didn't know what he meant and walked out. They were all pretty much the same - old and made of wood. I was looking for something to do with my hands.

Another time I was walking down Columbus Avenue north of Broadway in North Beach in one of my excursions, and noticed someone throwing a pot, on a potter's wheel behind a store-front window, in a slot sized shop. I went in and asked a lot of questions of the lady there who owned the shop. That was about the extent of my exploration of the greater work world. However I would become involved in pottery.

My room on Page Street was big enough for a bed and a dresser, but very cheap. I found it a few days after arriving in SF, sleeping on some hippies, friends of someone I met on a bus, kitchen floor, in a local real estate office on Haight Street.

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