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There are two types of Democracy as Capitalist and Socialist. Democracy is one person one vote. However Capitalist Democracy is sooner or later ruled by oligarchs, enabled by the concentration of wealth, which is the natural result of the pyramidal mechanism of the Progressive Paradigm. Socialism by its fundamental structure is democratic, meaning a government organization of all of its constituent parts. Its operating assets are paid for and owned by the community at large. Its purposes are to serve the community as a whole and to represent all, and its economic means is non-profit. However socialist government is often subverted and perverted by Capitalist oligarchs and religious psychopaths, who will have nothing but monotheistic or moneytheistic government.

Somatic Being

Somatic Being is the physical body as Condition. As with all else that is Condition, the body is Conservative and analogous to the Whole and the All. The body is a Whole in and or itself and functions as such. And as such the body could be said to be Socialist, caring nothing for Excess & Profit, fame and fortune and rich food as bad for the health, all of which are products of the psychology of mind.


The Ego is the intellective, as the first and original personality, the function of which is to interpret reality from the Context, as in the interest and protection of the body. Thus the Ego is by function Conservative and acts for the Whole of the body, and not as a Part of which Identities are inclined, such as he played the part of a late-night gambler while she was a hostess in a den of iniquity.

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