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The Cognizance Theory incorporates the theory of Interpenetrate Planes, as a posit which may illustrate an understanding of the nature of Cognizance.

The Interpenetrate Planes are first classified as the Dimensional Trinity, or the dimensions of the Positive physical existence, Negative as memory and mind, and Metaphysical as spiritual existence. Each of these dimensions represents spheres or primary elements of Cognizance, in which the Positive represents Consequence, the Negative equals interpretation and the Metaphysical is equivalent to Determination.

Each of these dimensions is said to be composed of three levels, each one more subtle and of less substance, proceeding from the physical through the mind and memory into the Metaphysical or spiritual.


The Positive Dimension of which the physical body or Somatic Being is composed is the most dense of the levels. The second level is said to be that of the Aware-I, considered as one of three elements of the Cognizant Triad, and which represents the sensory system and all of its therein inherent Consequence. The third level is the interface between physical Cognizance and Consequence and the mind or interpretation, and is said to overlap as the third and fourth levels. This is the plane of the Ego, created by the mind as a vehicle for interpretation or Interpretive Context of the Positive Dimension.

The Positive Dimension of which the physical body or Somatic Being is composed is the most dense of the levels. The second level is said to be that of the Aware-I, considered as one of three elements of the Cognizant Triad and which represents the sensory system and all of its therein inherent Consequence. The third level is the interface between physical cognizance and consequence and the mind or interpretation, and is said to overlap as the third and fourth levels. The third level represents real but unconscious mechanical physical senses and the fourth level represents the sub or unconscious memory and mind. This is the plane of the Ego, created by the mind as a vehicle for interpretation or Interpretive Context of the Positive Dimension. Specifically the Ego is the Interpretive Context of the individual and single body, and references everything specific to Somatic Being.

The middle plane of the Negative Dimension as the second element of the Metaphyscal Triad is the Thinking-I. The Negative Dimension is essentially memory and the Thinking-I organizes, composes, structures, categorizes, evaluates and makes decisions of the multiplicity of memories or Associations it contains. The Negative Dimension is said to be the sphere of Interpretation. The primary function of the Thinking-I is said to be to interpret what the body senses, and especially the Interpretation of Consequence. However it creates other categories of Consequence as internal constructions, which may have nothing to do with reality, as imaginary characters and scenarios as Interpretation through Identities.

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