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A country may be considered a progressed ideal as greater than any other nation, or to be preserved against anarchy, capitalism or socialism. The greater the ideal and the necessity to preserve it, the greater is the tendency or necessity to greater and more extensive authority.

The dynamic of the Logic of the Ideologue, when authority proceeds evidence and premises such that the both evidence or premises are made to correspond and conform with the authority, it is termed Authority Reasoning. Authority Reasoning means that a conclusive authority, such as a principle, proceeds evidence, premises and arguments. For instance a human fetus is considered sacrosanct and must be brought to term no matter the circumstances. This principle is conclusion as an authority that pre-exists circumstance, evidence and argument such as when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. The principle is an authority that is considered solid, true, inviolate, absolute unchanging, perhaps eternal, above or not subject to the physical, such as God or ideals of things like country, freedom, order or justice. Thus in the case of God as an authority, the conclusion is that God is good, perfect, all-powerful and eternal. These attributes are considered true no matter the circumstance and proceed evidence, premises and argument. If the tornado misses the church the premise and argument may be that God prevented this catastrophe and all praise to God. However if the circumstance is different and the tornado hits and destroys the church, the conclusive authority that God is good is the same and inviolate. The premises and argument concerning the circumstance and reality of the destruction of the church must change. The premise is never offered that God destroyed the church or that God should have and could have saved the church.

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