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Other premises may be offered such as the devil did it, or the stranger that was around late last week, acting suspiciously, may have cursed the church or some such thing. In terms of Authority Reasoning, the logic, argument and premises must construe the evidence so that it supports the authority as principle and prior conclusion. Thus the Ideologue argues by the dynamics of Authority Reasoning.

In the Progressive system, oppositional standards are used as a means of comparative evaluation, to which any state or entity is compared as some degree of consequence and value, as more or less. The standards that are used, to which the individual is to correspond and emulate are termed Authoritative Imperatives. Authoritative Imperatives are ideals of progressed states to which the individual is expected to conform such as learning to read, going to college, starting a nuclear family, purchasing a house or having a good retirement package. Different expectations are anticipated in different cultural, class or economic circumstances, and may not necessarily be absolute. In more liberal circles, the individual may be encouraged to choose an independent path. However the person who believes that the authority is so great that it supersedes the individual's independent wishes, absolutely in all cases and without exception, is an Ideologue.

The Ideologue believes in absolute authority to which exceptions should not be allowed, such as a woman may not have an abortion under any circumstance, or there should be no sex out of wedlock, or any engagement in homo sexual activity of any kind, or the absolute prohibition on the use of drugs. This is the belief, but when push comes to shove, not always the practice.

The Ideologue is one who believes in absolute standards usually without exceptions regardless of circumstance, not condoning that slide down the slippery slope of compromise.

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