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Because the Part in terms of human psychology and politics can separate itself from the Whole, and rather than serve the All serves the One instead, meaning its primary function becomes to produce products internal to and for itself alone, and may challenge the Whole as Government for dominance, the Part is called of a male characteristic and is termed Patriarchal.

Misogyny :

Patriarchy is more often than not anti-women. For instance, they were not allowed to vote. The Catholic Church and other monotheistic religions, refuse to allow women specific duties, as they are considered inferior to such as priesthood, strictly male. Why and what is the reason, it would be conjectured, assuming the foregoing as men are objective oriented and women existence or as-is oriented. Who produces the objective of the greatest Consequence in producing offspring and as well spirit, the real concern of the church. The women watch and enjoy their kids swinging on swings, while the men have to invent a new kind of swing and produce it, realizing later in life they didn't know they had kids. It must be gulling, it is here conjectured, to be outdone objective wise by the women and thus arises misogyny.


Where the Whole is called Socialism the Part is called Capitalistic. Since it is the function of Socialism as Government to serve the All, it is the predilection of the Part when independent of the Whole, to serve the self which is called Capitalism. The primary attributes of Socialism are Conservatism, Polytheism, Matriarchy, Democracy, the All and the Ego.

The primary attributes of Capitalism are the Progressivity, Monotheism, Patriarchy, Fascism, the One and the Identities. Identities are created by the mind and any number can be constituted such as parent, driver, hobbyist, soldier, priest, doctor or hypochondriac patient. Any objective can incur an Identity and when objectives are antithetical to others such as jewel thief, soldier, dictator or serial killer, the objectives are said to be of male orientation. Corporate Capitalist arms dealers and their corporate media promoters can be thieves, war criminals and propagandists also considered of male traits although some women qualify as well.


Monotheism is Fascist in that it allows for one and only one God. Monotheists are murdering even as this is written, so as to destroy heathen non-believers. Monotheists and Monoculturists are not smart enough to get along with anyone except like-kind. Based on the exceptional and elite MetaProperty One as extraordinary to all others, it is only sooner or later that the Fascism of force can obtain and maintain anomalistic privilege and is anything but egalitarian.

When ends are predominate, means as the ways to get there are hierarchal, tiered and stratified such as to best produce desired results. Results demand specific skill sets setting some apart from others, where objectives are considered more the province of the male and Patriarchal.

Matriarchy (3 of 3)   Index Page
