Excess & Profit Tandem w/ Spiritual Authority
Authority for human activity & behavior is alternatives to the Given Existence, which are the results & products of human created change. The Consequence of Being of any phenomenon, entity or event is defined as material resource for and contribution to results & products as changed states, which promotes the absence of the conditions of the natural world or any given pre-existent state or circumstance. {Dissertations: Authority for Human Activity & Behavior and Authority}

Human Identity and Progressive Material Volitional Identity Tandem w/ Spiritual Identity
The Material Identity defines the self in terms of material attributes, as what is possessed or the potential to possess, such as genetics, family history, occupation or physical and mental talents. The degree of consequence the individual possesses in direct relation to the degree of material assets possessed and or the potential to gain such assets. The Identity of the Mundane Consciousness of Progressive Materialism. Human Identity defined by its degree of progression from a natural to progressed stages of development, both in terms of personal achievement and possessions. {Dissertations: Identity Consciousness & Intellect}

Finite Determination tandem w/ Spirituality and MetaMaterialism
Materialism is the human perspective in which the Consequence of Being of any phenomenon, entity or event, is defined as material resource for and contribution to results & products as changed states, which promotes the creation of Qualified States. Changed states explain the existence of pre-existent conditions, states or entities which means the creation of results & products gives reason, purpose and meaning to the pre-existent material necessary to produce them. Progression toward Extra Mundane Authorities is the use of the present as material for the eventuality of future states. {Dissertation: Historical Materialism, Commentary: Materialism}

Tandem w/Patriarchy
Multiplistic culture analogous to the Whole and the All, in which every Part is equivalent to the Whole and All means inclusive of complete. Matriarchy accords to Polytheism as inclusive of any number of Gods/Goddesses and Socialism, where every Part serves the Whole as community and the government serves the All equally. Culture based on female values. MetaProperty attributives are Condition, All, the Whole, Ego and Ipseities. {Dissertation : Matriarchy and Properties}

Meditation is the practice of the concentration of the mind for the purposes of calming or stilling the thinking, generally in conjunction with controlled breathing, that is usually associated with the intention of producing the state of what is called Enlightenment. Meditation can take various forms such as concentrating on one thing only, or on nothing at all in conjunction with breathing. The act of not thinking is to end self-preoccupation and allow other influences to enter into the realm of Consciousness. Also may be considered as the focus of attention or continual return to specific matters such as intellectual problems maintained over some period time in terms of many years or a lifetime.

MemoryMind would be the controller of the body, by an Associational Selector and Interpretive Personifications, as the Ego which selects Association in the Context of the body, such as relating to food, clothes, drink or exercise, and Identities which select Association in the context of objectives, and become Associational Personifications, such as baker, banker, bar tender or book keeper. Ipseities, would select Association in the contexts of objectives and associational personifications, concerning other-dimensionality, as spirituality or religion. Dissertation : Cosmology

Dissertation : Cosmology

Null Tandem /w PolyCulture and MonoCulture
MetaCulture would be an amalgamation of Poly and Mono Culture, and would include such as the spirituality of Polytheism, the Religion of Monotheism and the Mysticism of Metatheism, or occult, or any social construct that is outside and distinct from the Poly and Mono Cultures, such as alternative social and economic systems, sects, cults, and such. MetaCulture would be Conservative concerning the external world and Progressive, possibly internally as mind.

Tandem w/ Materialism
MetaMaterialsm synonymous of Metaphysics means beyound physical/material as specifically Religion wherein the Whole is defined by the Part or Condition is defined by Context as conscious reality is defined by such as Christ is risen. Spirituality defined wherein the Part is defined by the Whole as Context is defined by Conditon. Metaphoria defined wherein : the product of Condition and Context is Cognizant Metaphor.
{Dissertation: Metaphysics}

Metaphor is figure of speech, an affinity, alikeness, an analogy, a similarity and comparison of two or more elements as one commenting on another. She drowned in a sea of worry. Time a stream one goes fishing in. She is the apple of my why ? A Roller-coaster of heartbreak are examples. A tornado is a metaphor for one's life.

Tandem w/ Spirituality and Religion
Metaphor means a comment upon some subject which would generally take some form distinct from the initial reference such as the sky was blue as her eyes as comparative illustration. The concept of Metaphoria means a comment as comparative illustration as inspired by other-dimensional imitative namely Spirit, often called Synchronicity, in which thought or spoken word and circumstantial event coincide and relate. If Religion is Context and Spirituality is Condition, Metaphoria is Cognizance of the Metaphysical Dimension. {Dissertations : Metaphoria and Properties}


Ipseities, Metaphoria
Tandem w/ Spiritual and Religious Ipseities
Whereas both Spiritual and Religious Ipseities are external to the individual, Metaphorian Ipseities represent the individual's personal Spirit said to act in the interest of the Soul, which as explained by the Obscurity Principle, must remain concealed for the sake of Free Will. Metaphorian Ipseity Evaluation is the characterization one adopts which assesses the other-dimensional intercession of circumstance, situations and events, by such means as the use of Semiotic Language, Signatures and Synchronicity. [Dissertations : Ipseities, Evaluation and Cognizant Triad

Triadic Intraverse
Concept Evaluation, as methods of self-examination and education in which the individual seeks to discover and examine the origins and content of the belief system which is the authority for the individual's thoughts, words and actions.

Spirit and Soul
Tandem w/ Animate and Somatic Being
Other-dimensional consciousness to include Polytheism, Religion, Metaphoria and every manner of occult and abstruse practice.

Metaphysical Paradigm Tandem w/ Positive and Negative Dimensions
Other dimensional being and existence usually called the Spirit world or heaven. {Dissertations : Metaphysical Dimension, Transcendental, Envisionment, Metempiric Power}

MonoCulture Tandem w/ Antithetical Matrix
The foremost ambition and golden plateau of Progressive Materialism is the Metaphysical Ideal, which essentially means meta as beyond or greatest. The Metaphysical Ideal is the acquisition of Volitional Abilities, that can be God, Gold, Guns and Graft, or such as fame, fortune, power, property, talent, superhero or eternal life. This gives reason, meaning and purpose to the activity and behavior of living. The Metaphysical Ideal is the root of all crime and evil, beyond the emotional passions, which polarizes Consequence into Consequential Integrity and Consequential Negation called the Antithetical Matrix, and wherein what is negated may be transformed, exploited and destroyed for the greater good. This evil is so stupid, there is no overcoming it. Companion to the Metaphysical Ideal is what is termed the Extra Mundane Authority, which takes the form of Monotheism, and that represents the progressive accumulation of religious or spiritual attributes, as the object of most organized systems termed Religious Materialism. {Dissertations: Metaphysical Ideal, Monoculture and Dyadic Authoritative Comparative}

Metaphoria Tandem w/ Conservative and Progressive Paradigms
If the Conservative Paradigm includes Polytheistic - Spirituality and the Progressive Paradigm includes Monotheistic - Religion, the Metaphysical Paradigm includes both Polytheism and Religion as well as the occult, esoteric, mystical, arcane, enigmatic, mythology, of every kind from Astrology and Tarot to Buddhism, Taoism and all sorts of mysticism to include Metaphoria. {Dissertation : Metaphysical Paradigm}

Metaphysical Ideal Tandem w/ Philosophy Psychology
Metaphysics is defined here as beyond the physical or as other-dimensional. The Positive Dimension is defined as physical or the First Dimension as Condition - the Negative as the Second Dimension is memory and Context, and the Metaphysical as the Third Dimension is other dimensional being as Cognizance, Spirit and Soul. Included in the agency of Metaphysics is Polytheism as Spirituality and Monotheism as Religion and Metaphoria. Dissertations : Religion, Proto-relgion, Monotheism, Metaphoria and Metaphysics.

MetaProperties are short-cut synopsis forms as definition and description of aspects of reality as Triadics or series of three. The current MetaProperties are : The current MetaProperties are : the All, One and Null - the Whole, Part and Product - the As-Is and Is-As, More or Less, the Ego, Identities, Ipseities, and Animate Being, Spirit and Soul. {Dissertation : Properties}

Tandem w/ Polytheism and Monotheism
Whereas Polytheism as Spirituality would have other-dimensional phenomenon as co-existent with the physical dimension, and Monotheism as Religion would have it as another separate dimension altogether, Metatheism would presume a physical body called Somatic Being, a personal Spirit called the Euphoric and Soul called Psychesoma, as a tri-dimensional configuration called Triadics.

Authorized and Unauthorized Tandem W/ Future-sync
Power to create physical change by the seeming facility of magic, wherein nonphysical means are employed. Attributable to spiritual forces which are inherent aspects of the Given Existence, and which may be accessible to any given individual in any time and place, as Authorized or Unauthorized. {Dissertation: Metempiric Power}

Lower and Upper Stations
Social ranking in the middle of the Antipodal Associative Paradigm when adding up from the Untouchable Class and Lower Station, and subtracting down from the Elite Class and Upper Station. {Dissertation: Dyadic Authoritative Comparative}

Singular ruling individual in the fashion of Monotheism, wherein monarchs have often claimed to be God's go-between. As God does, Monarchs represents the Metaphysical Ideal, as perfection and singular progressed ideal, only accessible to the few progressively perfected Ones.

Tandem w/ Montheism
Moneytheism is the secular means to achieve the Metaphysical Ideal as material ascendancy and superiority engaged in as Capitalism as the Progressive accumulation of property, power and ultimately oligarchy. {Dissertation : The Metaphysical Ideal}

Metaphysical Ideal Tandem w/ PolyCulture and MetaCulture
Culture would comprised of such as social institutions, its laws, conventions, manners, dress, language, religions, economics, politics, rituals, cuisine, social habits, music and arts passed down from generation to generation, such as French, Italian, Chinese or Japanese cultures. MonoCulture descends from Excess and Profit and Consequential Negation, of everything natural to resource for material gain, such that substitutes are needed as essential Consequence, which becomes and is called the Metaphysical Ideal or perfect One, meaning mono, as Monotheism, Monarchy, and which is derived Patriarchy, Capitalism and Fascism. {Dissertations : MonoCulture, Metaphysical Ideal, Patriarchy, Monotheism and Fascism}

Part, Tandem w/ Polyism and Metaism
Monoism means, the Whole is demeaned of all inherent Consequence, and replaced with the perfect Part, superior to all others, and to which all are to emulate, such as Monotheism, Monarchy, monocracy or autocracy, wherein the Whole serves the Part, rather than the Part the Whole, and wherein the unity of the Whole is lost to the antagonistic competition of the Parts. Monoism is the creation of the One, as the perfect Part or Metaphysical Ideal, in opposition to the All as the Whole. Monoism would be social structures, based on the function of the Part, only found in human social organization called Transpartation. The Part dissociates from the Whole, and the Products it produces, are relegated to private interests, private profit for self, kith and kin, independent of the Whole and Government.

Tandem w/Polytheism and Metaphoria
Monotheism as one and only one God is exclusive, jaundiced, prejudiced and fascist. Monotheism is the Holy Grail, as ultimate perfection and supreme virtue of the One as opposed to Polytheism as a democracy of Spirituality. With the advent of Excess and Profit the concept of Antithetical Opposition becomes apparent whereas nature is transformed from Spiritual to resource for materials to produce Excess and Profit, and which introduces Materialism and defines what is of Consequence, as primarily perfection and also condones central authority of the autocrat and necessitates private individual property and a creation and separation of the classes. {Dissertations : Monotheism, Monotheism, Properties and The Metaphysical Ideal}

Morality Tandem w/ Ethics and Ethical Spirituality
Codes and standards for human conduct and behavior that accord to and become necessary with the introduction of Excess and Profit and Progressive Materialism, in contrast to Ethical Spirituality. {Dissertations: Ethics & Morality and Humanism}

Dyadic Moral Obligation
Morality as the codes of human conduct of Progressive Materialism, is the regulation of activity, behavior and conduct in a world with no inherent consequence. If the naturally existing world, specifically as Necessity & Subsistence, is not a valid authority for human conduct, then authorities must be conceptual which is subjective, and wherein agreement is difficult if not impossible. In terms of human relations value and consequence is assessed by means of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative. {Dissertation: Absence of Consequence}

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative tandem w/ Ethics
Morality means the Absence of inherent Consequence considered as an inherent condition of the natural world, allows for the complete free exercise of human Volition, such that every given entity is considered as mundane material, and thus anything can be transformed, destroyed and exploited. Morality possesses no inherent prohibitions but rather the treatment of any given entity is established by the evaluative means of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, as a scale of one to ten or of little or no Consequence to the greatest of Consequence. Anything can be used as material for the creation of Excess and Profit, to include humankind as labor. Morality is the prohibitive vehicle of Progressive Materialism in terms of human relations, in which the the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative is the vehicle in which value and consequence are assessed, and which determines how states, conditions, entities and individuals can be treated. Private Property is the protection of the individual's determination of value and consequence. {Dissertations: Ethics & Morality and Humanism}

MetaProperty, As-Is, Tandem w/ Is-As
More is the objective of MonoCulture, the Progressive Paradigm, Monotheism and Moneytheism as Capitalism, the Identities and the religious Ipseities. Less is applies to nature in general, the Conservative Paradigm, Polytheism and Socialism {Dissertation : MonoCulture}

Progressive Material Volitional Identity Tandem w/ Symbolic Consciousness
Interpretive Context of Progressive Materialism, wherein the condition of the physical existence is perceived and believed to have no inherent consequence and value in and of itself. Wherein the individual perceives the reality of the human condition in terms of and in which the identity and definition of everything tends to be singular, isolated and independent with no overall plan, coordination, theme, purpose or goal. All phenomenon and change is considered as material, mechanical and automatic like cause and affect, wherein the impetus of all change is due to simple interactions of the properties of the elements involved such as the mixture of cold and warm air. {Dissertation: Consciousness & Intellect}

Absent Comparative
Represents the condition of human consciousness which is absent the ability of any true certainty of knowledge.

MetaPhysical Dimension
Positive and Negative Dimensions
Dimension opposite the Positive or physical world as non-physical being, which represents the facility of eternity in terms of the singularity of physical existence transcending into the universality of infinite being in the aggregate. {Dissertation: Dimensional}

Free Will Tandem w/ Imperative Determinant
The essence of Proto-religion is the Absent Determinant, or the absence of any known result & product as a future state, which would explain the reason, purpose and meaning of the Given Existence, as something different from what it already is. The Imperative Determinant in terms of a known future state distinct from the natural world, would require and dictate human activity & behavior, to correspond to the production of that end, and would represent the absence of human Volition. The Mystical Naught is the essence of Free Will.

Proto-religion, Mystical Naught
Tandem w/ Religion
Mysticism concerns the condition termed the Absent Determinant, that pertains to the absence of limits in reference to the dimensionality of the universe. This absence produces the consideration that there is no certain way to ascertain what anything that naturally exists actually is, what this existence is for, how anything natural should be treated, what existence means or of what value and consequence should be given to any or all elements of the natural world. This condition allows for complete conceptual freedom or Free Will, by virtue of the fact that otherwise, the certain knowledge of either known identity or specific outcome such as heaven or hell, would dictate activity, behavior and conduct in the present, thus relegating it to requirement. The concept of Mysticism is said here to be an interpretation which accepts the condition of the Absent Determinant, and further, considers it to be the very essence of Spirituality. Free determination and the latitude of decision making is the ability and responsibility to determine the consequence of the self and others, and of every entity to include the universe itself, which will indicate the conduct the individual will adopt. Mysticism is individual and personal in character and thus cannot easily be formalized into large organizations, but traditionally takes the forms of personal attitude, small sects or secret societies. {Dissertations: Absent Determinant and Proto-religious Determination}

