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The Truth is any given quality, state or condition as it exists in actuality in any given past or present state. Truth is the accurate sensory recording of present circumstance, thinking and speaking. This means as accurate as the sensory system allows and which would be agreed upon by a majority of other's sensory systems. Truth is an accurate memory of circumstance, thoughts and words. Untruth is an inaccurate sensory registration of actuality, which may be true relative to the individual's ability to register accurately, but would not be agreed by a majority. Untruth is an inaccurate recollection of actuality, as present circumstance, thoughts or words. Untruth is the ability to create by power of Present-time Intellection or thinking, in conjunction with memory, alternative representations to true mental and remembered replicas. This is called imagination, fiction, untruth, wishful thinking, dreaming, fabrication or lying.

Another definition of Truth is consistency. Another words the basis for all truth is a consistency of being and change. Truth is absolutely necessary to the survival of any species in relation to its environment. A species must be able to rely on a consistency of reality, as the constancy of air, sun, water, and dynamics and habits of its prey. Any species is also dependent upon the consistency of its own internal and external organs. The senses must consistently operate at a modicum; the heart and lungs must consistently operate and the eyes must see, the ears hear. Nature could be said to be truthful. This is because if anything, it is primarily consistent. Fresh still water consistently freezes at 32 degrees. The sun consistently shines. The earth consistently maintains its orbit. Trees are consistently green in the spring and hibernate in the winter.

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