Page 2 - Progressive Paradigm

MetaProperty, Triadic Intraverse, Progressive Paradigm
Tandem w/ Whole and Product
Every Part is a Whole and every Whole is a Part except a Choate Whole. The primary function of a Whole is said to produce Products internal to itself. The primary function of a Part is said to produce Products external to itself. The heart as a Part of the body circulates blood external to itself. The Part is described as circumscribed domain, composed of numerically limited multiplicity of elements or components, which comprise a unified function in conjunction with each other. The Progressive Paradigm descends from the concept of the Part, wherein its function as primarily Excess & Profit or Products produced primarily for external purposes. {Dissertations : WholePartProduct, Properties}

Time Logic, Present Comparative Purview and Future Comparative Purview
Past Comparative Purview would be the province of Conservatism, in that it would be hoped that the future would be much the same as the Past. The Past Comparative Purview parallels Pre-existent States, in that the given qualities and conditions, composition or dynamics of any given entity, condition or circumstance, as it's given construct and constitution, should continue as the same, such as spring should follow winter and water should run down hill. Thus, The Past Comparative Purview is Conservative, in that Future Expectation is the continuation of the Past in an exact, same or similar manner. The Time Logic of Past Comparative Purview would accord to PolyCulture, as particularly Polytheism, and Socialism as Government. Past Propensity would be affiliated with the Whole, as its continuation would depend upon its operation, as the same as it ever was.

Tandem w/ Matriarchy
Male dominated culture. Accords with Excess and Profit, Monotheism. Capitalism, Fascism and Identities. Whereas Matriarchy is described by the MetaPropery All, Patriarchy is described by the MetaProperty One. Dissertations : Patriarchy and Properties

Conservative and Progressive Paradigms. Tandem w/ Philosophy, Psychology and Metaphysics
Defined here in the original sense as a particular way of doing something, like a philosophy of fishing, living or lifestyle. Also defined as the knowledge of the wisest way to live, as a love of learning, wisdom and knowledge. Further philosophy is the systematic study and attempted understanding of the nature of knowledge itself, and which are categorized as the study of such things as mind, logic, language, ethics and morality, religion, politics or metaphysics.
Philosophy as a theory defined here pertains to Cognizance or sentient awareness, as its Condition in the Positive Dimension or physical world, and the experience of Consequence in that Condition, wherein evaluations of same would determine the life experience of the individual, such as what and what is not important enough for Cognizance. The condition of human Cognizance in the physical world is said to produce two fundamental Interpretive systems called Conservative and Progressive Paradigms. of which are said to be endemic to terrestial existence. [Dissertation: Philosophy]

Represents varying opinions, arguments and violent conflict concerning the purposes and beneficiaries of Government, as to the what, how and who social organizations should represent and how they should be operated. Political parties as groups of individuals embracing the same or similar political philosophies are formed and maintained to enact, enforce and maintain their political agendas within the government. Thus various kinds of governments are identified and defined based on the means in which governments are constituted and used to promote specific agendas and Extra Mundane Authority, in which any phenomenon, entity or event is compared as some degree less. {Dissertations: Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, Government, Politics and Economacy}

All Tandem/w MonoCulture and MetaCulture
Culture would be comprised of such as social institutions, laws, conventions, manners, dress, language, religions, rituals, cuisine, social habits, music and arts, passed down from generation to generation. PolyCulture would mean a single public social institution such as Government, which in every of its functions, would be representative equitably of All and everyone, through Accordant Authority and Common Consent Accords, as everything common to all, and wherein its constituency as private individuals, may be diverse in custom, habit, background, race, religion and beliefs, such that this diversity is kept private and individual and not in any foisted upon the community as a whole. Affinitive to PolyCulture are the concepts of Whole, Polytheism, Matriarchy, Socialism and Democracy. {Dissertations : Socialism and PolyCulture}

Whole, Tandem w/ Monoism and Metaism
Polyism is the All as the Whole, inclusive and equitable of all the Parts, which comprise a Unified Function in conjunction with each other. Polyism is the many and varied cultural social structures, that parallel the constructs and dynamics of the Whole, as circumscribed domain, composed of numerically limited multiplicity of elements or Parts which produce Products internal to the Whole. The human social psychology of the Whole, is represented by Government, which is to serve all members of the community in an equitable way. Each member like, and as a Part, is ideally to contribute in some fashion, and every member is equal in the all of the Whole. Its assets and purposes are owned by and are to serve the community in common, as a non-profit organization called Government which is Socialism.

Tandem w/ Monotheism and Metatheism
The Spirituality of Indigenous peoples and would be Socialism is Polytheistic which means Gods, Spirits or any number of other dimensional entities co-existent simultaneously in the material world as other-dimensionals, and are not as in Monotheism separate from as an abstract heaven, but rather exist in this world. Since there are infinite Parts and aspects in the material world, there would accordingly be infinite Spirits, which it would be said can be felt if not seen and heard. Polytheism would accord and correspond to the Whole as multitudinous Parts contained within, producing Products extra-dimensionally to themselves.

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative Tandem w/ Negative Base Comparative Standard
The Positive Base Comparative Standard is the Metaphysical Ideal as the highest states of Consequence and as base of which value is subtracted as so many degrees less, was the janitor from the corporate CEO. {Dissertation: Dyadic Authoritative Comparative and the Antipodal Associative Paradigm}

Primary Properties, Conservative Paradigm, Intrinsic Authority Tandem w/ Negative and Metaphysical Dimensions
The Positive Dimension represents the field, universe and origin of all sensation, as every stimuli and sensory perception, originating interior or exterior to the human sensory apparatus, confined to the boundary of immediate perception, registered automatically, in every waking moment, of any given present circumstance, independent of the memory, wherein no value, as Association or recollection is attached, affects, or animates the sensory reception or response. {Dissertation: Positive Dimension}

Sequence Continuum, Existent States and Pre-existent States
Post-existent States mean the results and products of change, or states as changed, such as day after night, a tree down after a wind storm, a sunny day become cloudy or greater traffic towards the evening. Post-existent States may be change as the same, as just another day or same as yesterday, or may involve transformation and destruction, as the trees cut down and the land plowed to make way for a shopping mall, as change distinct. {Dissertation : Change}

Sequence Continuum, Existent States and Post-existent States
Pre-existent States are any given circumstances, qualities or conditions proceeding Change, such as a tree before it falls, a field before it rains, or day before night. Pre-existent States are the given qualities and conditions, composition or dynamics of any given entity, condition or circumstance, as it's given construct and constitution, such as stone, snow, water, pie, corn field, or the pre-existent state of nature. {Dissertation : Change}

Time Logic, Past Comparative Purview and Future Comparative Purview
Present Comparative Purview would mean Future Expectation would be that qualities, conditions and states would be the same as the Present. One would be perfectly well satisfied, with the how now it is. Decisions can be made spontaneously, impromptu and in the moment, depending on situation and circumstance. The Trinitive Authority would apply, as all three purviews would be employed, primarily the Past Comparative Purview, and wherein the external state of one's physical reality, would be governed by Past Comparative Purview as Conservatism, while the mind would often utilize Future Comparative Purviews internally, considered as Progressive as the mind continually learning. The Future Expectancy as the Time Logic of Metatheism, would be that of the Present Comparative Purview, as what happens in the here and now, namely, the activity and behavior of spirits, as intercession in the material world, and without much of a history nor of any predictability in terms of the future. Present Comparative Purview is for the most-part personal as a state of mind, of which most everything in reality could be considered of some great consequence, as possibility of some facility of communication.

Negative Dimension
Present-time Intellection is thinking, in any given present state or circumstance, as Association, or impressions, images and Symbols, as either Correspondent or Disconjunctive Association.

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative Tandem w/ Secondary Assessment
The Primary Assessment is either the Additory or Subtractive Base from which the individual relies for the assessment of value and consequence, depending upon the preference to evaluate by addition from the Antithetical Matrix, or by subtraction from the Metaphysical Ideal or Extra Mundane Authority. {Dissertation: Dyadic Authoritative Comparative}

Tandem w/ Attendant, Principle, Meta and SubProperties
The Primary Properties are the Positive, Negative and Metaphysical Dimensions.

Properties, Condition, Context and Cognizance
There are three said to be archetypal Interpretations of reality as the Given Existence, which are Condition as the physical world, Context as memory and mind and Cognizance as the interpretation of Condition and Context. Also called the Positive, Negative and Metaphysical Dimensions. Dissertation : Properties

Morality Tandem w/ Prohibitive Integrity
The Metaphysical Ideal of Progressive Materialism, is intellectual and material property, which gives Finite Context, or meaning and purpose, to human activity & behavior as the accumulation of Volitional Abilities. Provides material identity which signifies the consequence of the individual as the creation or possession of property. Produces a means to individuality, and the allowance and promotion of disagreement, wherein the individual having a private state, is not required to compromise with others. Provides Prohibitive Integrity to states or entities which otherwise would have no consequence. Dissertations: Absence of Consequence and Private Property

Private Property

MetaProperty, Triadic Intraverse, Whole and Part
Products are said to be produced internal to a Whole and external to a part. An internal Product is the composition, constitution and dynamic of the Whole as actuality within itself. While the Whole and Part are archetypal the Product is associated with the Null, since the Product is relative and can be anything. An external Product is the function of the Part as produced external to itself like the lungs produce oxygen for the Whole body. {Dissertations : WholePartProduct, Properties}

Progressive Tandem w/ Natural Development
Nature is Conservative which means that all change preserves the original or tandem state changed, wherein the fundamental law of the economics of living things is Necessity and Subsistence. Progression is defined as the ability to create Excess and Profit or more than what is necessary. Progression is defined as change which produces states distinct from previous conditions which are considered as improved and superior to the former. Progression is the transformation or destruction of a pre-existent state for the purpose of replacing it with an improved and superior condition. The value of the new condition is primary, which means that it justifies the transformation or destruction of the state it replaces. The replaced state is relative, which means it possesses a legitimacy of existence only if it cannot be replaced by a superior state or entity. Progressed states can be considered as anything from the development of technology, improved housing or increased status, to the development of talent, education or better health. {Dissertation: Conservative/Progressive Dichotomy}

Extrinsic Authority Tandem w/ Conservative
Progression is introduced with Excess and Profit. Progress is change which is defined as producing a superior state or condition to that which was replaced by transformation or destruction. Excess and Profit explains activity and behavior as energy and effort that produces in excess of what was before, which seemingly makes more sense. Attributals of Progressive are the Part, One, Monotheism, Patriarchy, Capitalism and Fascism. Ends greater governs Givens - as Progressive. Givens greater governs ends - as Conservative. {Dissertations: Properties, Conservative/Progressive Dichotomy and Absence of Consequence}

Tandem w/ Conservative Assessment
The Progressive interpretation of the Given Existence begins with the Absent Determinant that must accompany the introduction of Excess & Profit. All natural states become material for exploitation, as regulated by the Comparative Binary of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative.

Determination, Finite Determination tandem w/ Existent Determination
Progressive Determination is that most or at least most human-created change should promote progressed qualities, states and conditions. Progressive Determination explains Consequential change as activity and behavior which increases value and Consequence. {Dissertations: Determination, Finite Determination}

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative
The system of evaluation of Progressive Materialism, as zero or one to ten, or low as Indigenous, primitive, natural, uneducated, Conservative, the Whole, and high as progressed, developed, elite, as by adding from the bottom and subtracting from the top. Dissertation : Dyadic Authoritative Comparative

Finite Context
Perspective as historical dichotomy wherein qualities & conditions of human living in any given past time or place, represent Antithetical Opposites and Additory Base, from which successive human activity & behavior is explained, justified, and given context, as progressive improvement. {Dissertation: Historical Materialism} Related: Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, Conceptual Empowerment

Resident Identity Tandem w/ Conservative Spiritual Ethical Identity
Resident Identity of any given individual, who has been inculcated or who has adopted the Consequential Values of Progressive Materialism. The Sensory Response System of this identity is the Conceptual Emotional Dynamic. Emotion as affected by consequential value which is bipolar, produces an antagonistic emotional make-up of oppositional love/hate dichotomies. This identity is dependent upon the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative to assess consequence and value wherein by the logic of Progressive Materialism, the natural world is considered to have no inherent consequence in and of itself. This identity is also characterized by the inability of responsibility termed Responsibility Negation, which means that when the individual only follows the instructions of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, responsibility can only be assumed for the degree to which the individual corresponds to those instructions. {Dissertations: Identity, Consequence & Intellect and Overview}

Materialism Tandem w/ Conservative Spirituality
Authority for human activity and behavior as the Progressive creation of Excess & Profit, wherein the consequence and value, termed Consequence of Being, of any phenomenon, entity or event may be defined as contributive material resource for the promotion of the increase of human created states and volitional capacities. {Dissertation: Progressive Materialism and Metaphysical Ideal}

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