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The fundamental purpose and practice of Buddhism is the achievement of the state of Enlightenment. This usually involves the practice of meditation, the purpose of which is to train the mind in the discipline of non-activity, such as the suspension of visualization and thinking, in combination with a deliberate exercise of deep breathing. The activities and self-absorption of the mind divert the individual from a more pure and intense experience of perceptual reality. The state of Enlightenment could be said to be true or pure experience, wherein the individual can fully experience and wholly appreciate the reality of perception. This experience may also include the experience of an integration of the individual self with the totality of reality in general, in which there seems to be no distinction. Intellectually this can be described. All singular elements are aspects of one single unified whole, such that one does not perceive oneself as a separate and individual part. This experiential state may be accompanied by intense feelings of the wonder of the sensory world and the perfection of existence.

From a belief in the knowledge produced by the experience of Enlightenment, may be derived the fundamental tenants that Buddhism may advocate. The first goal of Buddhism may be to relieve the human individual from the condition of suffering. Ordinary consciousness or what can be called Mundane Consciousness, may be considered in comparison to enlightened states, as misery and suffering, and certainly for many persons, the mean consciousness of things like guilt, lack of self-esteem, hatred, jealousy and the many petty emotions may be an agony and torment. Compassion is as essential ethic of Buddhism.

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