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Excess and Profit Tandem w/ Socialism
Capitalism descends from Excess and Profit as Progressive which is antithetical to nature as Necessity and Subsistence which is Conservative. Small Capitalism is for the most part honest and good and everyone loves a good restaurant or ice cream parlor. However Corporate Capitalism while efficient and reliable has a tendency to concentrate and is subject to greed and every crime known to know. {Dissertations : Capitalism and MonoCulture.

Conservative, Progressive and Exoteric
Three kinds of Change are defined as Compositional, Conceptual and Exoteric Change. Compositional Change is inherent in the make-up and structure of an entity such as snow melts or water runs down hill. Conceptual Change means emanating from memory/mind such as building bridges or designing fashion. Exoteric Change means change emanating from other-dimensions. {Dissertation : Change}

A Choate Whole is a Delineated Entity having Unified Function internal to itself, but not assuming the double function of the Part, as it produces no discernable, purposeful products external to itself other than its own existence. The earth producing no dicernable products external to itself would be defined as a Whole called Choate. Products produced external if any would be other-dimensional called Metaphysical. {Dissertation : Properties}

Principle Property Tandem w/ Condition and Context
Cognizance is the Interpretation by the mind as Context, of Condition as reality. What one is aware is said to be relative to one's Interpretations of Condition by means of one's individual content of Context as mind and memory. Cognizance is said to be primarily related to Consequence, or awareness as what one perceives relative to what one considers important. One quite well may notice the millionaire but is blind to the homeless. Cognizance is the Context of Condition. {Dissertations : Cognizance and Properties}

Three dimensional assessments as Interpretation as the means of assessment of Condition, and Evaluation as the means of assessment of Context while Comprehension is the assessment of Cognizance.

Accordant Authority
Social Contracts and agreements wherein the terms of contracts and agreements are so comprised, that they are obvious to all members of the Accord, and that every member can willingly and readily agree and consent to them.

Association defined in terms of

Comparative Standards

, representing primarily authorities, as consistent qualities & conditions, in which any or all elements, of any given present circumstance, or other association from the memory, is compared. { Dissertation: Associative Landscape }

Authoritative Imperative
That which is used as a standard of comparative value, to which something is compared as more or less, and represent authorities for human activity & behavior. The Comparative Authority is the specific Associations one gives to any given present experience or other memories, as compared to all the myriad Associations one could use. These Associations are the authority for one's response and relationship to reality. Archetypal Comparative Authorities are the Antithetical Matrix, the Metaphysical Ideal and the Extra Mundane Authority.

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative and Optimum Correspondence
Base for evaluation as Comparative Authority, or that which is used as a standard of comparative value. 'State of the art' means the best of anything at the time and may be used as a standard of comparison and Comparative Authority. The evaluative system of the Conservative Paradigm is called Optimum Correspondence, which uses a single Comparative Base as optimum condition. Value is assessed as optimum, or something less or more. The evaluative system of the Progressive Paradigm is called the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative. This uses a bipolar system of Comparative Base, or negative called the Antithetical Matrix as Additory Base from which value is added; and positive called the Metaphysical Ideal as Subtractive Base, from which value is subtracted. {Dissertation: Dyadic Authoritative Comparative}

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative
The evaluative system of Progressive Materialism. The assessment of the Consequence of any state or entity as comparative evaluation between Antithetical Opposites. {Dissertation : Dyadic Authoritative Comparative and Properties}

Absent Comparative
The comparative evaluation, in terms of Consequence of Being of pre-existent states compared to tandem states changed, in which the value of the pre-existent state is either: greater and prohibits or limits, or is lesser and allows or promotes, transformation or destruction for alternative qualities & conditions. Represents the Authority, impetus and dictates of human activity & behavior, based upon the Consequence of Being, of any given pre-existent state as compared to the advantages of alternatives to the tandem states changed, which defines what the individual and culture can transform or destroy, and determines the governing qualities and standards of living, for the culture and individual. {Dissertations: Consequence and Determination}

Authoritative Imperative and Dyadic Authoritative Comparative Tandem w/ Intrinsic Authority
Consistent qualities, conditions, activity & behavior, results and products as conceptual reference, standard and authority, for determining the value, consequence, validity and authenticity of any given state or entity by comparative evaluation, like standard weights and measures. Represents the conceptual criterion for the content and dynamics of the environment that is consistent and can be predetermined, in which the individual makes decisions.

Negative Dimension
Any alternative state, as a facility of the memory, as


or Disconjunctive Association, as distinct from the immediate sensory experience, of any given present circumstance, of the Positive Dimension. Any human created state distinct from nature. Also any state, distinct from any given present circumstance, which may represent an authority for human activity & behavior.

Buddhism and

Conservative Spirituality

Compassion is considered here as not only a concern for the suffering of others, but the ability to understand and identify with the circumstances and perspectives of others, to include non-human living things and inanimate entities. From the perspective of Conservative Spirituality, wherein the consequence and value of any given entity is assessed in terms of an equivalence with the whole of existence or Unified Consequence, if all things are of equal consequence, then the attitude of Compassion would apply equally to all things. Compassion may be a central pillar of Buddhism because in conjunction with the achievement of the state of Enlightenment, there may come the realization that all things are an aspect of one complete and total entity, wherein all things are perceived as equal in consequence, equal to the self and deserving the same as the self. A true sense of Love would involve a true sense of Compassion. {Dissertation: Humanism and Commentary: Compassion}

Equivalency Principle tandem w/ Antithetical Opposition
All change inherent to the Given Existence wherein natural transformation or destruction in opposition to any given pre-existent state or entity, is defined as complimentary to the promotion of the preservation, perpetuation and Indeterminate Existence of the natural world as a whole, by the continuous replacement and regeneration of each of its elements or parts, in identical or near like form. {Dissertations: Opposition and Overview}

Composite Being would consist in seven selves existing in two dimensions as Somatic Being of the Positive Dimension, the Ego as the first personality as Interpretation of the Context of the body, the Identities as the personifications of objectives, the Psychesoma or Soul of the Metaphysical Dimension, the Essentia as the Ego of Soul, and the Euphoria or Spirits as personifications representing objectives, with finally the Ipseities representing the other-dimensional self, being and existence.

Change Tandem w/ Conceptual, and Exoteric Change
Natural Change that is inherent in the composition and make-up of any given entity in relation to its environment. Sun heated or arctic cooled air creates weather changes just by the nature of composition. Heavy rain causes floods and water can turn to ice. Living organisms age, get old and die by the dynamic of construct. No blame. {Dissertation : Change}

Tandem w/ Interpretation and Evaluation

Extrinsic Authority and Dyadic Authoritative Comparative Tandem w/ Spiritual Authority
Represents the Authority for human activity, behavior and conduct as Extrinsic Authority. This is conceptual states of memory as Comparative Standards in which the individual compares present reality, experience and thinking, to assess the identity, definition, context, consequence and worth, of any or all elements of any given present circumstance or thinking by comparison. Specifically Conceptual Authority is the definition of any state or entity as a Finite Determination, that identifies the subject as a relationship to results and products, either as material for, the means to achieve or the ends themselves. Conceptual authority is the primary dynamic and authority of the perspective of Progressive Materialism.

Change Tandem w/ Compositional and Exoteric Change
Change that emanates from conception as memory/mind, primarily human as anything from roads and cities, to human created dust-bowls as unnatural change. Conceptual Change need not have any relation to reality whatsoever as fantasy island or the caped cavalier in a modern city. {Dissertation : Change}

Sensory Response System Tandem w/ Equipolent Emotional Dynamic
The emotional dynamic of the Progressive Material Volitional Identity. Sensory response mechanism is influenced or determined by conceptual scale of values and consequence as described by the concept of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative. Association tends to be Disconjunctive. This means that Association attached to present sensation corresponds to value and consequence as conceptual and stereotypical as opposed to real experience. {Dissertation: Emotion}

Negative Dimension
The facility of Present-time Intellection, to create Symbolic Association, which can be conjoined into patterns, which may be used to authorize human thought, dialog, activity & behavior.

Negative Dimension

Comparative states

in future, as alternatives to present qualities & conditions, which dictate and direct activity & behavior, in any given present state or circumstance.

Triadic Intraverse
Tandem w/ Empirical and Anomalous Precedence
What contravenes all known Natural Law, is the facility of Conceptual Precedence, as the ability to create Products external to the Whole of which the Part is a component, which usually takes form of the anomaly of Excess and Profit, as more than is necessary. Futher includes the concept of Transpartation wherein the Part dissociates from the Whole, usually by virtue of the Metaphysical Ideal, as the One superior to the All, or the Part superior to the Whole, creating Monoism or MonoCulture.

Principle Property
Positive Dimension Tandem w/ Context and Cognizance
Condition is called the Positive Dimension as the physical world and universe. Condition is described by the MetaProperties All, Whole, Ego and Soul. Condition is the environment that Cognizance finds itself in. Condition is the biological body as physical Incarnation and individualized embodiment called Somatic Being. Condition is represented as the Context of Cognizance. {Dissertations : Condition, Postitive & Negative Dimensions and Properties}

Analysis Tandem w/ Volitional Response
Automatic response, as action or association, based upon past experience, which dictates thought or behavior in the present, as distinguished from: volitional response, to any given present state or circumstance, based upon the dynamics of a current situation.

Cognizance, Heirarchy of Consequence, Mundane, Symbolic and Levels of Consciousness.
Consciousness as opposed to Cognizance means the degree and quality of awareness and knowledge in the Positive Dimension. Consciousness is defined as the degree of awareness and a depth of understanding, of the reality of any given present moment and circumstance, that is considered to be based upon and relative to what the individual considers as significant and important. Includes also a depth of understanding of events removed from immediate circumstance, such as historical reading, or news of other places. Also the ability to relate and possess an affinity for the perspectives of entities outside oneself, and the compassionate understanding, that all entities are subject to the circumstances of which they find themselves. Consciousness is said to be directly related to the Hierarchy of Consequence, which itself is said to be related to the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative as Progressive evaluation, which is a scale of inferior/superior Consequence. The term Consciousness is used in the context of the theory of Any Age Authority, to distinguish between the perspectives of Conservative Spirituality and Progressive Materialism. {Dissertations: Consequence & Intellect, Symbolic Identity and Consciousness of Consequence}

Consequential Integrity, Consequential Negation and

Consequence of Being

The fundamental determinate of human activity and behavior. What is considered to be of Consequence determines what is subject to transformation and destruction, and use as material for the creation of what humankind needs and may be superfluous. What is considered of Consequence determines the nature and definition of most Law, Ethics, Morality and Spirituality. The Positive Dimension as physicality is said to be the sphere of Consequence. The Negative Dimension, as Interpretation and Evaluation, is said to establish the Context in which Consequence is assessed. The Metaphysical Dimension is said to be the Comprehension of Consequence. as the facility of the Psychesoma. {Dissertations: Consequence, Consciousness & Intellect and Consciousness of Consequence}


Comparative Determinant

The value and Consequence of a pre-existing state or entity is derived by comparison with a changed state, which requires the transformation or destruction of that given pre-existent state or entity. {Commentary: Consequence of Being}

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