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This could be the understanding of the mentality of one who lives in a small town as opposed to a city, one who is a farmer, the attitude of one who is a barber or a soldier or as an officer distinct from enlisted. A greater Consciousness is one who is of the knowledge of the mentalities of many if not all the various attitudes engendered by the circumstances of situation, geography, culture or the various necessities and conditions of living. With an expanded Consciousness can come compassion as the understanding and sympathy with the conditions of existence that other species of life and humans undergo dependent upon physical makeup, environment and individual experience.

Nuclear physicists are considered to be persons synonymous with high degrees of intelligence. They have the intelligence to create nuclear materials which can be used to make energy as electricity, to power space probes and submarines, to build bombs and practice nuclear medicine. One can say that all of this takes a high degree of intellect. But do they have a high degree of consciousness? Do they have an understanding of the ramifications of these inventions? They have produced enough bombs to blow up the world dozens if not hundreds of times over, and by accident.

They have and are producing thousands of tons of the most toxic substances on the planet, with no way to dispose of them. They have built and are still building nuclear plants and various facilities, which once contaminated, must be protected from all living things for thousands of years. If some plague were to eliminate the human race, there would be no one to guard nuclear contaminated sites. The storage facilities would eventually leak and possibly migrate into many facets of the various water sheds the world over.

