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Progressives are divided into two camps as Pseudo Conservative and Liberal. Pseudo Conservatives are subtracters primarily evaluating as less from the top. Pseudo Conservatives called Conservative or right-wing would add from zero or no possibility of reform. Liberals or left-wing are adders evaluating as more from the bottom. Liberals with more compassion would add from one or the possibility of rehabilitation. However in countries like India and its traditional class system, the untouchables would of course be zeros.

Evaluation via the Progressive Paradigm as the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, takes two forms as Monotheism and Moneytheism. With Monotheism the antithetical opposites and scale would be more representative of imagery and Moneytheism more of numbers. One must remember that the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative for the most-part is unconscious as is body language for many people. In fact the whole of the western money system is based on zeros and numbers one thru nine. Value is assessed by price, as on sale now, for $ six ninety-nine. People are assessed by price, as how much they earn and how much they are worth. Millionaires are tens, one plus the zeros. Middle class has been traditionally fifty thousand although now with inflation who knows ? and lower middle class twenty to thirty thousand a year.

Imagery as opposites is such as the witch and Snow White the beauty queen. A new car versus a junk jalopy. A castle as opposed to a hovel. Beauty and the beast. A bearded white man God and the Devil red. And of each of these antithetical opposites are degrees between.

The top of the dyadic scale as ten of course is the authority that may be called Authoritative Imperatives. When evidence and foundation is discarded and conclusion is based on authority, the reasoning process is called Authority Reasoning.

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