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The Positive Dimension is the physical, material world. The primary attribute of the material world would be automatism. The physical is considered to be automatic in its dynamics and momentum in and of itself. The reason and purpose of physical automatism would seem to be infinite perpetuation, as the continuous momentum of itself in a same or similar fashion, and the continuous duplication in exact or near like form of every part. It is the mechanical replication of function that cannot fail, such as planetary revolution or heart and lungs, that must be automatic to sustain itself. The planet must maintain an exacting, mechanical orbit around the sun, to insure the survival of life, and all the ecological systems unfailing. Automatism is absolutely essential to the survival of all living and probably non-animate existence as well.

The Mystical Dimension may or may not also be called the Seventh Plane, the Void, Chi or the Heaven of the Chinese concept of Heaven and Earth from the Tao and I Ching.The Mystical Dimension is said to be the opposite of the Positive, the essence of which would be space and absence. Space is the medium which gives room for things to exist, move, be animate, grow, have size, decrease or disappear. Physical properties possessing dimension, weight, mass, charge or gravity would seem suitable to automatic perpetual processes, when floating in a vacuum. Thus the vacuum provides the space in which all elements at their basis, seem to revolve in endless cyclical spirals. The Mystical Dimension would also represent the properties of change, motion, creativity, imagination, universalness, oneness, absence of individuality, coalescence, unification, love, peace, tranquility, or qualities and conditions opposite the Positive Dimension.

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