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On a larger scale in terms of the Greater Will, that is: Will encompassing a collective of lesser Wills and or Souls, like the reincarnated self, as past Wills collected into entities such as Souls, the Mystical Dimension may encompass the entire universe. It may take the form of a further most parameter of dimension opposite the physical, in a series of planes termed the Interpenetrate Planes. The Mystical Dimension may be part and parcel of the Positive Dimension as one totality, wherein an aspect of the physical is space, and wherein all material entities hang and circulate in space. Most physical things are themselves as much space if not more so than solid. Thus the physical would exist within the Mystical and the Mystical within the physical. And within both the Negative Dimension. This concept would seem to parallel or support the idea of the Inter-penetrate Planes.

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