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Only humans have worth and Consequence, and only some humans not all, depending on their standing on the scale. So Morality is actually a license for exploitation and every crime imaginable, as long as it is committed against no Consequence resource and low-scale bad people for the good of humanity, like destroying a country to save it from itself, the US is so fond of doing.

Human psychology is described as Interpretation of reality, which proceeds primarily from two Contexts, as Interpretation thru Contexts of the body and Interpretation thru Contexts of objectives. A third function is said to be other dimensional interpretation. The Ego is said to be the interpretive-self of the body. The Identities are said to be the Interpretive entities of objectives, and the Ipseities of the other-dimensional called spirit world.

The Ego as first personification and protector of the body is called Conservative. The Identities can be Conservative but since the function is to accomplish objectives in future, the propensity is said to be Progressive. If the Ego is the proprietor of the body, the Identities are products of the mind, and can take-on any personification any given individual is capable of assuming. Which is to say that fascist personifications are created as Identities.

From the dissertation Authoritarianism : The accomplishment of an objective, mandates action and behavior in present circumstance to correspond with the requirements of the future objective. Objectives in future that are adhered too, are Authority for activity and behavior in present circumstance. Expectations as authorities for one's activity and conduct dictate corresponding behavior and is relative to the type of expectations adopted. Authoritarianism is wherein models of expectation are considered more important than the personal wishes of individuals. Authoritarianism represents the demand by specific individuals and groups, that others conform to models of expectation for the purpose of promoting specific objectives and forms.

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