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The Part is representative of Moneytheism and Capitalism. The Part produces Products external to itself and thus the Product is the authority for the Part and the reason for its existence. The Products produced may be of benefit to the Whole as of a Socialist system. Or the Products produced may primarily benefit the producer as the Part, as the One and few, self-interest and which may conflict with the Whole. The self-interested Part would want Government to favor itself as opposed to the equality of the many. The rational would be the Metaphysical Ideal as a Product produced by the Part.

Monoculture means cultures embraced of the Progressive Paradigm and the MetaPhysical Ideal, such as particularly Monarchy or when democratic Capitalism becomes Oligarchy, and Monoculture generally implies the one supreme and Metaphysical Ideal.

The Progressive Materialist means of evaluation is called the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, which is evaluation between Antithetical Opposites or evaluation between the MetaProperties of All and One. From the perspective of the Progressive Materialists, All is representative of the common, plebian, uneducated and uncultivated, uncultured and unrefined, the low and the bottom. The One is representative of the elite, exclusive, the top, educated, refined, rich and propertied, upper crust. Evaluation is All or One or somewhere in-between, as a one to ten scale. Humans are on the top of the scale as the ability of progression ten, while such as baboons are on the bottom as one or zero. Since Socialism is Conservative and mostly of infrastructure maintenance as opposed to constant development, it is placed on the bottom of the scale.

The Dyadic Authoritative Comparative is numerical evaluation that matches the money system, as one to ten or ten tens in one-hundred, like one-hundred pennies eqaul a dollar. One to ten pennies is the cheapest and nine thru ten, or nine hundred thru a thousand is most expensive.

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