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Semiotic Language, as some discernible seemingly strictly mundane activity in the environment, when as out of the ordinary or even extraordinary circumstances and events, of which repeated specific instances over long periods of time, may induce a feasibility indicating other-dimensional intercession. Example...................

All Monotheism is Materialism

. This is because only God and his minions are non-material, which means there can be no material sensory evidence for the existence of God and his glory, and thus can only be a state of mind. Thus everything now is Material except mind, and herein alone lies non-material other-dimensional salvation. Of course not just any mind, or there would-not be needed hell, but some specific mind-bent or belief that controls action and makes for a good-person. All is Materialism except specific belief, wherein even most of the make-up of the mind is material.

A speck of un-infected sanctification, which is the opposite of the all and everything of a material universe, is a created Identity. Everything this Identity deals with is material accept for what may be called holy. The world is dead to this Identity and the person treats it materialistically, and thus lives a materialistic life. A Monotheist God is an abstraction.

Of course with Polytheism the reverse is true. Spirits are co-existent in experiential reality. This means reality can be thought-of as either one or two dimensional. Every natural change can be considered as either solely Spirit inspired, or as scientific cause and affect, and-or Spirit animated. A modern perspective would have-it as cause and affect operating as a constant. A Metaphysical interpretation might have Spiritual intercession as infrequent metaphor. Also Spirits may be appealed to for future circumstance which would-be beneficial.

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