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The Positive Dimension represents

the present, absent past as memory and future projection. The Negative Dimension represents the past as memory without which all thinking would be impossible. The Metaphysical Dimension represents the future as other-dimensional afterlife, and further represents what may happen as come to pass.

Protect us from a dis-satisfactory future is the role and job of Religion and Spirituality, as the results of positive outcome. The future is what God ordains. What the future ordains is being on the good side of the Spirits. Capital investment may guarantee the future. Good works investment will guarantee the after-live and prevent karmic tragedy. Mis-timed misfortune can occur at any instant, as just plain bad-luck. It is the job of the Spirits to prevent such affliction, and so it would-be wise, to have good relations with other-dimensionality as personal relationships.

An aspect of the Metaphysical Dimension

is the MetaProperties called the Null, as the third aggregate to include All and One. All is inclusive as all of a kind or everything. One is exclusive as one and only one is most perfect. Null is x as unknown or Olamic Value, which means anything can be anything. What is the planet Earth ? No one knows. So one can make-it anything one wants. And to make natural reality less, is to make oneself more by Excess and Profit. One can do that as a two-dimensional being. By the Metaphysical Dimension one can make anything anything, but by the same token there may come into play other-dimensional considerations.

Which is to say certain aspects of reality are unknown. Where in the universe are we and why ? Is there afterlife ? What is most important ? Can the future be known ?

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