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The Religion of Monotheism would have the Metaphysical Dimension as other-dimensional with no connection to the physical universe, and of only the province of dead people called Heaven and Hell. Any intercession in this the physical world would be the province of God and one-God alone. When bad things happen as seeming intercession as the church burned down, there is the necessity of the creation of a duality, since God would not do harm, and so a daemonic force is necessary called the Devil. Thus Monotheism is necessarily dualistic and bipolar. Humankind lives alone in the physical vapid and hostile world devoid of Consequence, separate from God and the future's other-dimensionality in a constant war against the evil of Monotheism's own making.

The Spirituality of Polytheism would have the Metaphysical Dimension inter-penetrate with the Positive, wherein the Positive and Metaphysical are cohabitant, and in which a degree of interplay between the two is evident for those who pay attention. Rather than as with Montheistic Materialism, in which the world is dead and devoid of sanctity, Spirituality would have it that the physical this-world is alive, animate, of Consequence and teeming with both physical and non-physical being, comprised of the Dimensional Trinity.

The Metaphysical Dimension

is of anything other-dimensional, as any form of Spirit, Gods, Goddesses, and deities, of which the sensory apparatus is incapable of direct detection. By empirical analysis, as some basis for the existence of the Metaphysical Dimension, the assumption would be that the Metaphysical may interact with the physical, and thus circumstantial or indirect evidence as Metaphysical affected physical activity, of which would be obvious to the senses. This manifested indication would be such as unexplainable phenomenon which defy the odds of manifestation, or as the Synchronicity of internal thought with external action.

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