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Thru the evaluative mechanism of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, the Consequence of any given entity is established as for instance, the authorities of the Devil is zero or one, and for God is ten. Is any given entity more like the attributes of God or more like the devil ? An evaluation between one and ten, is what Morality is. Who has Compassion for the Devil ? There may be a few saints out there, but in general we can safely say not many. What is Compassion-worthy coincides with the evaluative mechanism of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative. Anything below five we cannot expect much Compassion-for and below three can be positively malevolent.

The products produced by Polytheism are Re-incarnation, Semiotic Language or superstition as the moderns would call it, but each of which cause the individual to be more conscious or cognizant of the present moment and engaged with reality, as if it was another person. These Products would be internal to the Whole as the environment of which one exists.

Wherein Morality is the behavior modifier of materialist Monotheistic Religion, Ethics is the evaluative behavior criterion of the Proto-religious Spirituality of Polytheism. Ethics emphasizes Prohibitions as opposed to Volition. Ethics is Consequential Integrity which prohibits or limits human volition, as the transformation or destruction of any given pre-existent state. Ethical Spirituality is the consideration that the value of any naturally existing entity or state, is priori greater than the capability to transform or destroy it, for what is unnecessary. Because the individual must consume elements of the natural environment, those elements are not transformed or destroyed lightly but with respect, since every Part is equally essential of the Whole. Necessity & Subsistence is the economic system of Ethical Spirituality.

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