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Polytheistic Ipseities tend to be other-dimensional rather than this-world physical, correlative of Indigenous culture absent technology, from which all the manifest multiplicity of Identities derive.

Monotheism correlates with the Part, One and Capitalism because objectives are more or less singular, and one God of another dimension independent of this world is an objective, as simplicity, singular perfection. As objective oriented, many Polytheistic entities would be too complicated and inefficient, democratic and uncontrollable by the few as church hierarchy. On the other hand Polytheism is not objective oriented as some pie in the sky all or nothing holy grail. The Whole, All and Socialism are not objective oriented but rather preservative of the As-Is, which would be inclusive of pre-existent states.

One body and Ego and many Identities as personified objectives correlates to Monotheism, as one and only one other-dimensional God. One body and Ego of few Identities and many Ipseities, correlates to Polytheism as many Gods and Goddesses or Spirits.

A first premise of Progressive Materialism is Consequential Negation, which allows for the exploitation of all of the material world. Religion wherein monotheistic God is an absentee landlord, deigns the natural world as God's creation, but to be used in anyway as seen fit by the Homo sapiens. Because Religion is objective oriented, pre-existent states must always be subservient by Consequential Negation, to change necessitated by objectives.

Thus a means of evaluation is necessary so as to maintain some semblance of civilization, which is the scale of value called the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, wherein realized objectives are at the top and natural or material for objectives is at the bottom, zero or one to ten. Thus the highest achievement objectives such as cut diamonds are at the top and the least as diamond miners are on the bottom.

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