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On the other hand the belief system of Spirituality is that the material world is spiritual in and of itself, possessing and animated by non-physical elements. Thus the activity and behavior of the physical world may represent the activity and behavior of the spiritual world, and thus the Spiritual could be wholly or hybrid material.

Because Religion is Progressive Materialist, it tends to follow the same paradigm, specifically as the Pseudo-conservative and Liberal Propensity. This means that evaluation is subtracted from ideal or added from anti-ideal.

Religion is Monotheism as one God and not Goddess and one God only, under penalty of usually Hell, and thus is totally, completely and utterly Fascist and having murdered millions. Because nature is democratic allowing multitudinous living existences, wherein there is no one entity superior to all others accepting humans originally not that removed from animals, one single all-perfect entity can only be conceptually conceived other-dimensional with endless existence without deterioration, deprivation, duality or destruction, and of such perfection only one as a single entity alone can enjoy. The comparatively earthly existence is Consequentially Negated null and void.

The evaluative system of Religion is the same as that of Progressive Materialism called the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative as a scale of value from Negative Base or Antithetical Opposites as zero or one representative of nature and natural, primitive, indigenous, uneducated, un-sophisticated and undeveloped and Positive Base or the Metaphysical Ideal as ten as the opposite or developed, cultured, educated, sophisticated, wealthy and oligarchal. Consequence is assessed by adding from the bottom and subtracting from the top as he was so many degrees above an atheist but not so pious as a priest.

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