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Unfortunately, most people don't know what Socialism is. What is Socialism? If in a park, "You're standing in it. If it was owned by the Capitalists, you wouldn't be allowed here, and if you were, it would cost." Government is Socialist. Government creates the park, as buying the land and creating and constituting its vegetative environs. Anyone can use the park for free. It is democratic. Most people live within the confines of socialist borders, but don't know it. I look out my window and see a socialist street with streetlights, while underneath I know is a socialist sewage system. Socialist police will come if I need them, as well as Socialist fire-people, which is all government operated. I live in a city that has a government, and all Government is Socialist. Socialism is not some far off vision imagined by starry-eyed revolutionaries. Everyone lives under Government and thus under Socialism.

Socialism is public ownership and the accumulation of capital resources, for the public good of all, where the Government is not controlled by Capitalists. Capitalism is private ownership and the accumulation of profit for the benefit of the few. Since money and ownership concentrates, perhaps more often than not, the Capitalists end up controlling Governments. And therein Socialism is always associated and imitated in the likeness of Marx and Lenin and the Russian Revolution. And thus socialist parties are doomed to the curse of communism and ideas a hundred years old, most of which were tried and abandoned, namely in Russia and China. Because the Capitalists own the media.

Socialism is based on the concept of the Whole, as circumscribed domain, composed of a numerically limited multiplicity of elements or Parts, which comprise a Unified Function in conjunction with each other. Government serves as the Unified Function of the Parts, as individuals contained within the borders of its jurisdiction. Every whole is a Part, and every Part is Whole in and of itself, the difference that a Whole produces Products internal to itself and a Part external. Products produced by the Government are to be for the general welfare of its jurisdiction as the community as a Whole.

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