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This means that the interpretation provides that all physical existence, to include humankind is considered to lack Finite Context, or to be absent meaning, reason, purpose or value and thus the individual and all of reality is said to have no real consequence in and of itself. Thus the individual and humanity as a whole, being physical manifestations, must obtain definition and context from some source outside the physical realm. Materialist Religion is the creation of conceptual definitions that are progressed states in opposition to the qualities and conditions of the natural planet; the accession to which defines the nature and content of the individual's reality.

Materialist Religion states what reality is; what and how it can be used; and thus becomes a conceptual authority for human activity, behavior and conduct. The individual in possessing this conceptual authority corresponds the activity and behavior of living to religious prescriptions and thus makes no individual determinations concerning the nature of Consequence, and takes no real responsibility except in the decision as to whether to accept the precepts of religious Finite Context or not.

