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Ipseity Interpretation:

The Interpretation by the Ipseities, be they Spiritual, Religious or Metaphoric, is thru the use of Semiotic Language, or reality viewed thru the Context of Metaphor in which instances of happening circumstance is considered as other-dimensionally influenced for the purpose of meaning and message. A sudden gust wind blew her hat over the fence and into the yard. A Pine-cone fell nearly hitting him on the shoulder.

Spiritual interpretation may relate a wind-god or Pine-tree goddess. Religion generally considers such phenomenon as interpreted to be evil. Only God can communicate such and God would not deign to communicate to such insignificance as the individual. Metaphorian interpretation might consider such as personal and meant for the parties involved. Spiritual and Religious Interpretation as communication is considered as one-way or as given from above and received below. Metaphorical communication is considered as two-way in which the individual corresponds by thought, word or symbolism as personal conversation.

Ipseity Evaluation:

Evaluation by Spiritual Ipseities is one's relationship to Gods, Goddesses and Spiritual manifestations of every kind favorable/unfavorable and often called superstition. She took a fall. Did she trip or was she pushed by unseen force ? She found what she was looking for by the aid of the fall and thus was she helped by an unseen force ?

Evaluation by Religious Ipseities is generally based on moral propositions and individuals are judged based upon moral deportment. This is because Monotheism is the one perfect being to which all followers are to aspire and are evaluated as so many degrees less as hierarchical in the manner of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative.

Evaluation by Metaphorian Ipseities would entail primarily the likelihood of any given instance of reality as Semiotic Language. Most of what happens must be considered as material cause and affect, wherein only limited instances of happen-stance, is considered or is evaluated as Semiotic Language.

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