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Varying Identities interpret the world of reality in the Context of the objectives and accompanying associations they personify. The gold miner may see rocks as the possibility of money while the geologist as planetary history. Cognizance as a matter of Evaluation means the affects of Consequence associated with a given subject, specifically that which is and not of Consequence, determines of what one is aware and of what one is not. A cigarette butt on the side-walk unnoticed by the rich may be a prize to the homeless guy.


Polytheistic Ipseities are similar to Identities in the sense of serving objectives, the difference that Ipseities represent other-dimensional aspirations and aspects. Comprehension means here, knowledge derived from a larger periphery of Cognizance, specifically other-dimensional perspective transcending the finite singleness of the mundane body and Ego, and also the abstraction of mind independent of the Identities. Understanding outside of Interpretation and Evaluation might enhance one's awareness and thus Comprehension.

If one's Ipseities were to have extra-dimensional powers, such that the individual could engage in manifestations of power to produce change or at least as convinced believe in such powers, the engendered Consequence, connotation and significance may encourage Comprehension and a more comprehensive understanding. One's belief in one's power to influence the election, caused the individual to study the circumstances with great diligence thus manifesting a greater Comprehension.

Polytheistic, Religious and Metaphorical Ipseities:

Polytheistic, Religious and Metaphorical Ipseities are defined as different and distinct from each other. Polytheistic Ipseities are such as found in Greek mythology, nature spirits, supernatural beings, as a multiplicity of deities and divinities. Polytheistic Ipseities are separate and independent of the individual possessing their own being in the realms they inhabit such as forest sprites, meadow nymphs or pond elves.

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