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Five and six is middle class and seven and eight is upper middle class. Ten is upper class. Men's or women's attractiveness may be adjudged from one to ten.

Optimum Correspondence and the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative are both used for Evaluation constantly, depending on the situation and circumstance, and are utilized simultaneously. One may evaluate one's environment, as temperature and perhaps humidity while at the same time evaluating the Numerical Evaluation of the value of someone's clothes. She dressed to the nines. The Conservative Paradigm in which the Ego is the primary interpreter of the body, would rely primarily on Optimum Correspondence as the means for Evaluation. The Progressive Paradigm, in which Identities created by the mind are the primary means of Evaluation is purported to rely primarily on the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative.


Cognizance means of what the individual is aware or cognizant. This awareness is affected and administered by Interpretation, Evaluation and Consequence. A third means of Interpretation and Evaluation would be derived from another kind of Identity called an Ipseity, also objective oriented, but here the objective is other-dimensional and takes the form of Spirituality, Religion and Mysticism.

Interpretation, Evaluation and Consequence determines the nature and quality of Cognizance. Awareness as a mattter of Interpretation involves the type and number of Associations one has the facility to relate with any given subject. The Ego as supporter of the body would tend to interpret in a Conservative manner. protective of the body and not so flamboyant as some Identities might be like high wire walker or stunt-plane pilot. General Cognizance as the result of Conservative Interpretation would be more narrow.

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