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The progressive system begins with the premise that anything that is material, does not possess any inherent value possessing Prohibitive Integrity, to include the human organism. Thus everything can used and exploited for the purpose of creating the volitional states of Excess and Profit. Since everything then is subject to exploitation, Morality consists in criterion for what can and cannot be altered, destroyed or exploited. Moral paragons are created, termed here the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, as models for what possesses an integrity of existence and is free from alteration, destruction and exploitation. The degree of correspondence, to whatever the attributes of moral states, determines the class and status of the entity or individual, and thus proscribes and defines how that entity or individual is treated, as guide lines for human conduct. To the extent that any state, entity, culture or individual, does not correspond to the progressed attributes of the superior standards, they may be defined as inferior, undeveloped, evil, in opposition to, and detrimental to human well-being and advancement. Land may be taken from indigenous peoples because they do not conform to advanced standards, as the greatest potential of human development.

The greatest respect may be reserved for the rich and famous because they mostly closely conform to the objectives of Excess and Profit. Moral degenerates may be considered to be those who least correspond to these standards. Changed, progressed, and evolved standards, may justify the use of whatever is necessary for their creation, as the Nazis would go to any length to create the superior super race and culture. This can also be extended to the forced civilizing of indigenous peoples, the use of slaves, the stealing of land and every kind of crime known to the modern age. The paragons of Morality possess no objective criterion such as the authority of nature. These paragons may be created at will and are subject to change based on necessity or desire and which may often be an unconscious activity. Moral paragons will often correspond to the objectives of Excess and Profit, and will change based upon what becomes considered to be of elevated consequence.

