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This assessment of the consequence of any given state or entity, is described by the concept of the Consequence of Being, represents a human assessment: which is the value of the qualities & conditions, of any given phenomenon, entity or event as a pre-existent state, compared to the results and products of a future state, which requires the transformation or destruction of the tandem pre-existent state changed. Human conduct is the activity and behavior of living, in terms of what aspects of the Given Existence, or any already existing state, may be altered and used to promote human standards of living.

Ethics defined here in its most simple form, means that the value of any given pre-existent state or entity, of the natural Given Existence, is possessed of inherent consequence. This inherent consequence represents an aspect of the definition of what is termed here a Spiritual State. A Spiritual State can be defined as an already existent result and product, complete and finished in its natural state and form. This interpretation represents an acceptance of the integrity and inherent consequence, of the constitution and dynamics of the natural world, which prohibits the human alteration of what is natural for what is unnecessary.

If the Given Existence is interpreted as an already existent and present Spiritual State, the economic natural law of the given planetary existence, is Necessity and Subsistence. Necessity is undeniable and without any choice about it. Necessity and Subsistence applies to all of the natural world, accepting the human species, and represents obvious and tangible sensory evidence, as empirical truth, from which to base codes of human conduct. This is only denied by excepting the human species from nature.

Human conduct which corresponds to an interpretation of the Given Existence as a Spiritual State is termed Ethical Spirituality, defined here as an assessment that the inherent already existent condition of the Given Existence is an authority for human conduct. Ethical Spirituality is the consideration that the value of any naturally existing entity or state, is greater than the capability to transform or destroy it, for what is not necessary.

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