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Written history is the record of progressive development and its benefits, as well as the accordant political conflict, war, exploitation, slavery, crime, war, famine, greed and alienation, all of which is said here to derive from the drive for Excess and Profit. Specific individuals and groups are progressive materialist. The degree to which progressive materialists dominate, influence and control a culture, whether it be by family, community, organization or government, is the degree to which the larger culture is progressive materialist. And those who do achieve material power will dominate the culture by virtue of the inequity of means.

The materialist paradigm is said here to be the result of the absence of any true Spirituality. What is defined as Religion, as found in all progressive materialist cultures, and as practiced by almost all major and minor organized faiths, is defined as materialist. Religion as opposed to Spirituality is deemed materialist because the present existence as the planetary environment or everything non-human, and the born condition of human character, is considered in and of itself to possess little or no spiritual essence and substance, and thus any real spiritual obtainment can only be achieved in some future state such as afterlife. The present world and existence can only perceived as some form of means, and as material for a spiritual state in future. This spiritual achievement is progressive, the dynamic of which parallels and is same as the means of obtaining such other things as wealth, property or power. The theories of the scientific endeavors and religious institutions are almost unanimous in describing the natural world, the human condition and the nature of religion and spirituality as progressive, meaning that everything is in an evolutionary ascent from something primitive and less developed to greater degrees of development and perfection. The concept expressed here considers the nature of Spirituality to be Conservative and non-progressive.

Spirituality, on the other hand, as opposed to Religion, means that the individual believes that they themselves, all living organisms, and all naturally created entities are spiritual manifestations. The whole of the natural world is considered to comprise a Spiritual state and entity.

