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The means for determining inviolate integrity is the creation of ideals termed Authoritative Imperatives, which are conceptual constructs comprised of descriptive attributes which act as models and standards for what possesses integrity or sacred legitimacy, such as things holy, churches, sacred sites, the dead or cemeteries. Since inviolate integrity is not inherent in the natural physical world, these ideals must be of human creation. However since models for inviolate integrity may not be considered as legitimate, emanating from physically tainted or fallen mankind, ideals transmitted from God through holy persons may carry such authority. For this reason Morality has traditionally been the province of religion.

The dynamic of Historical Morality is the creation of models and standards which represent proper thought and conduct in terms of human relations. Individuals are expected to correspond to the criterion for morality, as the Ten Commandments are an example of moral instruction, which possesses the authority of the transmission from God. The individual is assessed moral worth based upon the degree of correspondence to the models and standards of moral precepts as a hierarchal scale. The saint-like individual may be held in the highest regard while the sinner is measured against the criterion of moral authority as something less. This measure determines how individuals may be treated by others. Those of high measure are treated with the greatest respect which those such as heathens may morally have their property stolen and be exploited to the fullest extent if not outright exterminated.

Historical Morality is exclusive, in which the models and standards are comprised of specific qualifications in which all people by their various and differing geographical, cultural, political and religious differences cannot correspond and conform. The moral precepts of one state or church may be different from another and may vary from one culture to the next. Only humans are eligible to Moral sensibility because only humans are capable of progressive development and correspondence to the models of specific conduct. The problem of exclusivity is also inherent to the concept of progression itself, wherein individual development is considered a progressive advance toward perfect moral qualities, in which some are in greater correspondence than others by their development.

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