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In democracy where equality of opportunity is considered important, the idea is to evaluate from the mass or whole as anyone can be anything and not the elite where few are recognized. A person who primarily establishes Consequences by subtracting from the Positive Base is termed the Pseudo Conservative Propensity. This person evaluates themselves by comparison to higher or highest standards, such as a professional person is not so much less than the top cultural class. Evaluation from the elite has always fascist tendencies. Only those who are in some way truly exceptional are considered as truly worthy, and the common are not to be part nor to make decisions for the culturally or otherwise elites.

The Liberal Propensity is correlated with Conservative, Socialism and Left Wing, which primarily relies on Foundation Reasoning as the means of logic. Inductive Logic or Foundation Reasoning is to reason from particulars to generalities. Evidence proceeds conclusions. It was concluded that the bridge was weakened in the storm by an inspection of the supports. The propensity would be for the individual to base reasoning upon the facts as they are found in pre-existent circumstance, and add or induct to conclusion, without regard to goals, wishes, agendas and pre-existent conclusions or stereotypes, that are extraneous to the evidence and that may be in conflict with the empirical evidence. Evidence was posited as a generality without factual backup, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and since the war, no empirical evidence on the ground was ever found. The general did not lead to the particular and the particular did not lead to the general.

Foundation Reasoning is considered Conservative because the evidence is from pre-existent states as real, empirical, existing, actual or quality, condition, circumstance or situation that pre-exist conclusion, objective, agenda and outside consideration.

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