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Authority Reasoning is considered Pseudo-conservative and Progressive because first these mean the same thing. Pseudo-conservatives believe they are Conservative but are really progressives. Progressive means that any given existing state is inferior and thus may be replaced with a progressed superior one. The progressed state is the authority. Thus any evidence or argument in favor of the inferior state is considered invalid, not considered and deducted. 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction' is obviously an inferior state that must be replaced. Only evidence that favors the authority is considered relevant and only evidence from biased sources is considered. Authority Reasoning is Progressive because existing facts on the ground as Inductive, or gathered by Foundation Reasoning may not support the authority which overrides them. Suddam Hussein is evil overrides all arguments against the war. Actually the real reasons Iraq was invaded were things like oil. However any evidence supporting this contention is suppressed.

Authority Reasoning is Right Wing because Right Wing is elitist, wherein authority is progressed, and superior individuals represent superior values, standards and states. Elite standards are always progressive, usually defined as more material attributes, and even concerning quality, it requires more money to acquire, and always the highest degrees of what is opposite to the natural world. Because the elite is the select and the few, only evidence that supports the perspectives of the few as opposed to the many can be valid. Authority Reasoning thus is inherently fascist.

The authority of Authority Reasoning is often not intellectual at all but based on human drives and needs such as sex, status, consequence or Emotion. When the authority is emotion, all logic and evidence may be selected and filtered so as to support the emotional feelings.

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