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Matriarchy is corresponded to the MetaProperty Whole, whereas Patriarchy is accorded to the MetaProperty Part. The primary distinction between the two is said to be the Whole produces Products internal to itself, whereas Parts produce Products external to themselves. Any organic body as a Whole is the domain of every Part which makes up the whole of an organism. Each of the Parts such heart and lungs produce products external to themselves, as contributing to the persistence of the Whole.

Attributes of the Whole would be that which makes for a harmonious Unified Function of each and all of its Parts, and thus such as All, inclusive, democratic and egalitarian, although the Parts must conform and are restricted to their duties as is their function within the Whole. When the Parts as in human political affairs want to be free and independent of the Whole as government, and acquire self-such and much, the opposite of these traits becomes apparent as One, exclusivity, fascism and elitism, which are the hallmarks of Progressive Materialism and Monoculture, and are said to be attributes of Patriarchy. Thus would-be called the attributes of the Whole as Matriarchal and attributes of the Part Patriarchal.


Following on the format of the Whole, wherein all of nature as multitudinous Parts or one planet is a Whole, Matriarchy would be Polytheistic as democratic, or allowing any number of Gods and Goddesses and various spirits and ethereal entities, be-they male, female or other sexual orientations. Why should not the spiritual world reflect the natural world ? Whereas Monotheism is fascist, allowing but one and only one God that is irrevocably male, which corresponds to elitist superiority of One, the male having superior strength, and superiority as perfection in every other way.

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