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Anything can be used as material for the creation of Excess and Profit to include humankind as labor, if given a low value assessment. God white, white-race high on the scale, the devil black low on the scale and ripe for exploitation, or vice versa since the system is universal in its application.


Religion as defined here is called Monotheism, as the belief in one and only one God, which in every case is male and cannot procreate any polytheistic offspring, thus maintaining its strict monotheistic hegemony, and therefore is further called Patriarchal.

When God is singular, there is no possibility for universal humanitarianism. Naturally or indigenously, differing geographical topography will have different Gods, and wherein the One-God cannot get along with, will not accept, will be completely and utterly intolerant, and correspond to the Authoritative Dictates as superior, all perfect and heaven's delight, which exactly parallels the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative. The monotheistic God will be in a continuous state of war, as anything less is rot in the barrel, which will despoil the Whole. Monotheism is fascist.


Those of the exemplary status consider themselves entitled to more of everything and the cream at the top. And especially of material wealth, land, property, money, power, as only the elite know how to best use these assets, and the duty of the good is to nullify the riff-raff. If Christ was a hippie, the original church was anti-materialist and still has many modest sects. However in the Progressive Paradigm money rules and money as net-worth actually portrays by the dyadic scale, the state of one's Consequence and worth. And the more one is worth the more one is entitled.

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