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Conclusions of reasoning generally conform to imperatives and pre-existent dictates as conclusions, that take the form of principles, standard, ideals, values, rule, law or propositions. Actual evidence which contradicts the Imperatives are disregarded and struck from the consciousness. In terms of Religion, Imperatives are such as holy writ, God's law, God's commands or church dogma. Authority over-rules reason as facts, evidence or common sense. Authority Reasoning is fascist, which is the reason for the separation of church and state.


Which is more evil Capitalism or Monotheism ? Monotheism has its merits murder-wise. The Catholic church burned a million women for witchcraft, and with their torture chambers of seventeen centuries duration - cannot touch the Corporate Capitalists. Corporate Capitalism sells the arms that are used in wars, and with the bankers promote the wars that sells the arms. The US has been in a constant state or warfare for two-hundred and fifty years hot and cold. America is a Corporate Capitalist state.

Religion sets the example. Heaven and Hell, good and evil, believers and infidels, the bipolar antitheticals. God punishes evil-doers with Hell. If we are Godly, why should we not enforce God's punishments ahead of time and save God the trouble. The road to secular hell is paved with good intentions, after quite a profit is made in paving bricks.


Monotheistic Religion is compassion-less regardless of what Christ may have preached. If all people were adjudged equal there would be no need for compassion of one another. With Religion there is no equality. Who could ever be equal to God ? Who could be equal to a saint ? What there is - is a stairway to heaven, with some at the bottom, some in the middle and some like priests and popes at the top. Since for instance God sends non-believers to hell, what kind of compassion is that ?

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