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The theory of Complimentary Opposition is that the elements of states and entities deplete themselves over time, grow old and die, but regenerate themselves in a same or similar identity, as lung cells age, die and are replaced by copies of new cells which are complimentary to the prolonged existence of the lung as a whole. The change of individual elements compliments the pre-existent state as a larger entity termed a Unified Aggregate.

The term Conservative represents the dynamic of change which conforms to the concept of Complimentary Opposition. Conservative is defined as change which promotes and maintains the pre-existent state or condition in identical or near like form. This is the regenerative processes of nature in which all living things duplicate themselves. States and entities capable duplicating themselves in exact or near like form are considered as already complete and finished states and entities which do not need improvement or alternatives. The conservative principle is further illustrated by the concepts of Objective Validity, Orbital Correlation, Unified Aggregate and the Stable State.

The economic condition of all living things except humankind is the Complimentary Opposition of Necessity and Subsistence. Because changed states have affects and change must be created by living things to exist, whatever change occurs affects to some degree the pre-existent state changed. Necessity and Subsistence means that pre-existent states are altered only to the extent necessary to support a living existence without any unnecessary change to the pre-existent environment. Only when a species becomes over populated does it affect the pre-existent states overly much. But this is balanced by the depletion of the resource which depletes the predation and a balance is restored. In purely physical terms this concept is represented by a law of physics as equal and opposite force and energy.

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