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If it were known that humankind were the creation of alien intelligence from elsewhere in the universe, that knowledge would give to the human species a definitive evaluation of its creation and content, but at the same time it would eliminate all other possibilities, and the act of living would be fairly mundane if not completely depressing.

The inability to give a certain, specific and precise meaning and value to any natural phenomenon, entity or event produces a mystery as to what anything natural is. This mystery in terms of humankind, is the facility of Volition and free will. If one knew for certain that specific conduct would produce the eventual result of Hell, then that kind of conduct would be improbable for most people, and the individual would be mandated to activities which would not produce such an outcome. The Absent Determinant allows for the individual to self-define, allows for freedom of action relative to circumstance, and allows the individual to give to things any identity one cares to.

For the individual to be self-acting and deciding, it is necessary to make decisions independent of outside authorities and dictates to which the individual must correspond, like known future outcomes and absolute definitions, which define the certainty of things. This condition can be considered as a state of spirituality. The true self could be said to be known by what the individual would do in any given circumstance. This knowledge of how one would decide every problem of life, as opposed to following orders, is defined as spirituality or the active engagement with life and death and every problem of living.

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