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Progressive Materialism

With the introduction of Excess and Profit, nature's economics as Necessity and Subsistence, is discarded and replaced by Privatism, Monotheism, Capitalism and Progressive Materialism is established, as well as Morality, Patriarchy, Emotion and Fascism.

The Triadic Intraverse

consists in the Whole, the Part and the Product, as the system dynamics, of which is said, to underlie the numericals of all entities. A Whole is described as circumscribed domain, composed of numerically limited multiplicity of elements or Parts, which comprise a Unified Function in conjunction with each other, like a vehicle or city, state or can opener. The primary function of all natural Parts, is said to produce Products external to themselves, and internal to the Whole, of which they are a part. Products are the results of change produced by Parts, naturally as internal to the Whole.

The Given Existence

is every phenomenon, entity or event of the natural world and universe, to include the human organism that does not invent itself. The Given Existence is all things natural and does not include Qualified States, or the results & products of human activity and behavior, which is the creation, fabrication, invention, production and maintenance of alternatives to nature, as states which promote the absence of the qualities and conditions of the natural world. The natural world as the Given Existence, would be said to correspond to the dynamic of the Whole, and the Parts producing Products internal to the Whole. Descriptive of the Whole would be the economics of Necessity and Subsistence, and the Whole is Conservative.

Necessity and Subsistence

Represents economic law of the Given Existence, applicable to every known living entity accepting the human species, wherein the results & products of activity and behavior, are equivalent to the energy expended, as necessary to the preservation and maintenance of any given pre-existent or present state, and standard of living or life style, in identical or near like form. Wherein the integrity of the whole of living existence is maintained by the balance of predation.

Progressive Materialism (1 of 6)   Page Two
