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The Conceptual Emotional Dynamic represents the individual in which the sensory response is conceptual. This means that oppositional sensory attributes such as black and white are associated with Consequential Value such as bad and good, black hat and white hat, which are in turn derived from the scale of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative.

The Conceptual Emotional Dynamic is an antagonistic response system in which the consequence of various states and entities is considered as antithetical to each other. The consequence of the existence of one religion may be considered as antithetical to another and humankind in general. This produces the bipolarity of emotion as love/hate dichotomies which are antagonistic. If the consequence of the individual does not correspond to some acceptable degree in terms of the Metaphysical Ideal or Extra Mundane Authority, the individual may feel themselves to have little or no consequence and thus possess a self-hatred.

In terms of Progressive Materialism, it is necessary to transform or destroy many aspects of nature which are used as material and space for human created states. Emotional attachment is not necessarily involved with what is considered as having no inherent value in and of itself, and thus emotional prohibitions and remorse are limited or non-existent.

Individuals are used as labor to create, maintain, and promote human culture. The less consequence the individual may possess the less emotional remorse in terms of the division of labor and property. Anything without consequence can be used as material for what is both necessary and not. Generally there is little emotional empathy for what is not of any consequence, as the negative end of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative.

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