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It can also involve the concept of for 'safety's sake' in which the individual's new identity is not revealed to anyone, to insure the safety of such a person from those who would take advantage and may want to remove competitors. This and other themes involving power may produce paranoia in which the individual may come to believe that they are too important to live safely without some form of protection, either as a physical security apparatus or by means of secrecy.

'How could this be possible'?, may involve themes of power. Power themes can consist in the belief that one possesses some form of advantage, either as assets such as vast holdings of property one owns, which are held in trust until such a time as one may possess the ability to handle such responsibilities, and or connections with persons possessing power. Or it can involve Metempiric Power which makes things possible which otherwise could never be.

There may be born the idea of World Centrex, in which the individual may believe that they inhabit a specific geographical ground, which in Enigmatic Belief may be considered to be the center of the world. This idea may follow from the conclusion that the individual alone is incapable of the facets of power which have been revealed, but power is obtained by habitation within the boundaries of the World Centrex. The World Centrex may not dispose of power to others inhabiting the same area as they are unconscious of its existence and the state of Enigmatic Belief in general.

'How great and how far does this power extend?' This theme concerns the concept of territories. Territorial boundaries may be based upon geographical, racial, religious, political or cultural affinities, based upon the spheres of influence of which the individual feels they are responsible.

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